Platy With Cotton Wool Patch :(


Fish Crazy
Jul 17, 2012
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One of our red parrot platy has a patch just above her mouth of fuzzy white stuff :( columnaris?
I read once that hits the mouth (its 1mm away atm) its basically a guaranteed fatality - is that true?

Ammonia and nitrites both 0, 50% wc done 2 days ago, (still waiting for test kit to arrive for n-ate and ph tests so figured 50%+ would need doing til i check nitrate levels, better safe etc.)

temp is 25/26C

I've dosed with the api fungus and finrot meds i bought a few weeks ago, luckily there was enough left for one dose, is there anything else i can do? its literally right next to her mouth :( (and she looks pregnant too :( )
It depends on the strain of bacteria. It's only fatal once the mouth starts to rot away.
Watch your fish carefully as some fish can have a bad reaction to anti finrot and fungus medication.
Myxazin by waterlife a good med for columnaris. A mild strain.

Good Luck.

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