Platy With Cotton Wool Inside Gills


New Member
Aug 29, 2008
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Hi all,

I have a red female platy which seems to have cotton wool/fluffy stuff growing inside it's gills. It is quite lethargic and mostly loiters at the top of the tank. It's gill movements seem quite rapid and it always seems to have it's mouth open. I haven't seen her eat much at all.

In all honesty, I thought I would have lost her by now and so haven't treated. She is still going though and so I'd like to try and help her out. I've seen Methylene Blue suggested for cotton wool like fungus, would this be the best option?

Thanks for any help!
sounds like a fungus to me and it sounds quite advanced. how long has she been like this?

Treat her with an antifungal medicine. I have heard methlyne blue can kill plants and certain bacteria, but I also know many people have used it with no problems.
I would get a fungal treatment as some methylene blue brands can wipe beneifcal bacteria out in the filter.
Any cotton wool on any other part of your fish besides the gills.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll have to get some treatment and give it a go.

Just cotton wool in the gills, nothing else obviously wrong.
Good Luck.

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