Platy Tank Mates For 5 Gallon


Fish Addict
Sep 24, 2008
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Vancouver WA (US)
Ok so I got a Platy wednesday to go into the tank with my Molly (also a 5 Gallon). I heard that that it would be ok from some people (forum people, not LFS). Well it would have been fine if my the Molly in the tank wasn't being a bully to him. Sooo it turns out i needed to move him out. Lucky for me my other tank has almost finished cycling through the "add daily" method which has created enough bacteria to house him and one of my 2 AFD. So yesterday I moved them over to my new tank after water changes untill the ammonia and nitrite where 0 I moved them over and now both tanks are much happier. Now seeing as I have lots of room in my 5 gallon with the Platy in it what would ideal tank mates be. The Platy is a smaller one (just an inch) and I know they will grow but seeing as its small I see it as a chance for him to grow up with some friends so he doesn't end up a bully like the Molly.

Suggestions? The tank is a wide tank rather then a hex one like my other.
well I would prefer not to unless I could keep the fry and seeing as both tanks have fish inside it doesn't seem ideal to me.

Im thinking one of the following:

Catfish (any kind)
Louche (I don't know if there are kind i can have with a platy)

How could I mix and match the above with a 5 Gallon tank that already has a Platy (1in) and an AFD inside.
You think you can upload a pic of your tank? :)

Zebra danios are a hardy bunch. Thats for sure, A good starting fish for a new tank.

Tetras would need a lot of room, unless you want them to be still and not really active. :p

I've raised Corys in a tank like that. (Similiar to loaches, jsut the smaller kind.) Corys stay at the bottom, and they won't harm your Platy depending on what type of cory you have.

Try going for only three fish in the tank. One Platy, one ADF (It's spelt ADF, African dwarf frog. :3) and a cory.
I'll try to think of a corydora, you could look it up on google. Look for one thats about 1" - 1.5"

Ill post ASAP when I find a suitable website/corydora (or loach.)

:) Good luck man.

Shoot! Sorry man, forgot to say. Corys tend to be 3"-2" when they're fully grown from what I've been told.

Hey, I'm not an expert on corys. :D I'll still help you look though,
hmm well I hear Cory like to be in a bunch, how do they do by themselves? Also anything else to suggest? Will post a pic in a few min

i got opposite problem, i bought 2 mollys and 15 guppys / platties and one of my platty keeps attacking the much larger molly who just tries to get away poor thing
well I sadly used my Molly to cycle a tank and she has been by herself (fish wise, not including frogs introduced after cycle) so my guess is she is kinda grump about others.
mwood, i gtg right now but i'll come back to your problem tmr. !!

Your tank is beautiful. :) I think you should just add one Platy and two ADF's. Or yamato shrimps. :)
if there ok with platys id look into a planted tank with easy care plants no co2 and have a betta however i hear you can get hooked. look into the betta first i would aslo suggest some amano shrimp pretty versitile. :good:
Platys are fine in planted tanks, I have a planted tank swarming with them and another swarming with their fry and all my plants are healthy. Betta and platy are okay together. Having two platy might be a good idea, they seem to like the companionship of their own species but do not require a school. Make sure it is the same sex as the one you already have or the male will harass the female.

If you want catfish I suggest either otocinclus (otos) or pygmy corys. Both of these should not be kept in groups of less than 3, and it's very much the more the better. Otos are algae eaters that will need to be fed either real algae, or algae wafers and vegetables, otherwise they will starve.

The only loach that might be small enough is the pygmy chain loach (sidthimunki) but they are fussy about water conditions and still too large IMO.

If you want the look of a small school of fish in there, you would need to go with something very small. My suggestions are Heterandria formosa (a very tiny livebearer), celestial pearl danio/galaxy rasbora, ember tetra, or micro rasboras (Boraras brigittae). These are all very tiny fish. You could also get away with some of the small tetras such as neons, glowlights or rummynoses, but stay away from larger tetras like serpaes, they will not be happy in this tank. Even neons etc. prefer more space, but will not be uncomfortable in a tank this size.

Sparkling gouramis are cute, small and pretty and might be suitable for that tank, they are ideal for small tanks but require subdued lighting and plants. Also a platy might be too boisterous, they are very shy.

Shrimp are amazing, don't write them off. You've really gotta see some in action to understand the appeal of these little cuties.
so I can fit 3 Oto's in my tank still? I have been questioning them still since it seems that would way over stock me. I am good about keeping an eye on my tank stats so im not worried about a little over stock. Also even with a Dwarf frog or 2 could I still do it? I really do like Oto's but want to be safe before making that call.

As for shrimp I shall toss 1-2 in my gf's tank with the Molly. I may even toss in a mystery snail.
I really rate pygmy cories. you could have at least 6 in a tank like that if you have good filtration and are dilligent with your water changes. Very sweet little fish, only grow to about 1 inch long. A little gaggle roving the bottom would be really nice.

Or you could have a few galaxy Rasboros or some male Endlers if you can get hold of them?

Cherry shrimp look great, pretty things, a nice little cleanup crew, and my LFS had red ramshorn snails in today which are such vibrant things!

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