Fish Addict
Ok so I got a Platy wednesday to go into the tank with my Molly (also a 5 Gallon). I heard that that it would be ok from some people (forum people, not LFS). Well it would have been fine if my the Molly in the tank wasn't being a bully to him. Sooo it turns out i needed to move him out. Lucky for me my other tank has almost finished cycling through the "add daily" method which has created enough bacteria to house him and one of my 2 AFD. So yesterday I moved them over to my new tank after water changes untill the ammonia and nitrite where 0 I moved them over and now both tanks are much happier. Now seeing as I have lots of room in my 5 gallon with the Platy in it what would ideal tank mates be. The Platy is a smaller one (just an inch) and I know they will grow but seeing as its small I see it as a chance for him to grow up with some friends so he doesn't end up a bully like the Molly.
Suggestions? The tank is a wide tank rather then a hex one like my other.
Suggestions? The tank is a wide tank rather then a hex one like my other.