Platy+swordtail=what Do You Think?


May 5, 2006
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dublin , R.O.I.
if i added a female swordtail to my group of platies - they would breed - right?
more importantly , would the swordtail be happy wwith these platies -_-
Yep they can and will breed.Thats how they made certian sword/platy colour morphs(tuxedo platy/swords etc).
Yea, they will be happy. the result would be some tuxedo platys, tuxedo swordtails, some platy x swortail hybrids (short body of a platy plus a short-ish sword)

Depends on what kind of swordtail and platys you have. If you have pure bred green swordtails mating with pure varigated platys, then you probably won't get any tuxedos unless theres a color morph
Yea, they will be happy. the result would be some tuxedo platys, tuxedo swordtails, some platy x swortail hybrids (short body of a platy plus a short-ish sword)

I'm not sure how you figure he'd get Tuxedos unless he has Tuxedo fish? :huh:

Also, do not expect anything fancy from these fish. They are all basically hybrids anyway, from being bred back and forth to get finnage color and patterns. Best case, you'll get some stumpy sworded fish. :X
im not sure you can even call them swordtails unless you have wild stock there, the odds are quite likely that your sword has platty blood anyway. im sure she'll fit in just fine thogh, iv nvr had any kind of a problem with mixing platys and swords before. but like anna said dont expect anything extraordinary, the fry will probably just come out looking like midget swordtails.
Yea, they will be happy. the result would be some tuxedo platys, tuxedo swordtails, some platy x swortail hybrids (short body of a platy plus a short-ish sword)

I'm not sure how you figure he'd get Tuxedos unless he has Tuxedo fish? :huh:

Also, do not expect anything fancy from these fish. They are all basically hybrids anyway, from being bred back and forth to get finnage color and patterns. Best case, you'll get some stumpy sworded fish. :X

the basis for all artificially created color morphs start out as tuxedos. Therefore, unless you have a pure line green swordtail, mostly when you breed them, you will get some tuxedos. Tuxedo fry die first however... so its hard to raise them.
Hmm, never heard that. Not that I'm doubting you, but do you have any sources for that? :) Just out of curiosity, I always like to learn more about Livebearers.

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