Platy Swimming Funny


Fish Maniac
Tank of the Month 🏆
Oct 29, 2018
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I noticed yesterday morning that one of my platies was bent in a U shape then straightened back up. Seemed off balance for a minute then took off fine. I noticed the same thing this morning and when he did it the other fish began picking on him. Just cleaned the tank yesterday and parameters are 0, 0, 5. PH is 7.5. GH/KH were in range last week but haven’t tested those again yet. I tried a video but he didn’t do anything during shooting. Here’s a couple of pics though.
Have you added any fish recently? A long time ago I had a few mollies that got weird bent spines, curved like a u looking from above and I never did know for sure what happened and they would straighten out a little and then go back to the u and so forth. One of them swam really oddly. I did some research at the time and one thing that popped up as a possibility was fish tb. Even though they ate fine, were active, etc I ended up not adding fish and when they passed I cleaned the entire tank out of fear. Hopefully you find out what it is, I’d be curious to hear the answers you get as I never could find a for sure answer as to what happened.
He is s my newest fish and he’sbeen There a few months. I did d think of TB but his spine isn’t curved. It almost like he has a quick seizure.

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