Hello! I had a pair of xiphophorus maculatus that had 2 fry. more are on the way , i think.
they are friendlier than the thriving colony of helleri hybrids in there, the neon variety of swordtails
they follow each other around, and they don't school around with the swordtails that much
Is there a ratio of one male to 20+ females like in the helleri population? or is the ratio different?
I will post pictures sooner or later.
they are friendlier than the thriving colony of helleri hybrids in there, the neon variety of swordtails
they follow each other around, and they don't school around with the swordtails that much
Is there a ratio of one male to 20+ females like in the helleri population? or is the ratio different?
I will post pictures sooner or later.