platy problem?????


New Member
Jun 8, 2005
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West yorkshire, UK
my female platy is now always laying on the bottom of the tank the male keeps harrassing her at one point we thought she might be pregnant but now all she does is hide and lay down she was a very active fish should i be worried???
thanks xxx
What other fish do you have in the tank and how many- particualy other male and female platys? Do you know your recent ammonia, nitrate and nitrite stats and how long have you had her?What temp is the tank and how long has it been set up?
I would do a 40% water change with dechlorinator to begin with just any case there is somthing amiss in the water quality, as if you have been having lots of hot water like i have you'll find the fish produce more ammonia which is harmful to them so the frequency of water changes has to increased a bit in such weather :) .
If it's not ammonia and she's not ill, she could be stressed out by the bullying. I've just had to separate my male platy from his females, because he kept picking on one of them and she was just losing all confidence, staying in one corner, or going up and down the same stretch of glass. Now that I'm getting a better look at her I realise she has also lost weight (but thankfully no symptoms of illness). One effect of the stress seemed to be to make her a bit slower in her reactions, finding it a bit more difficult to identify the food for instance. Come to think of it, I've known stress to have the same effect on me (though I tend to eat more, which is possibly not such a good thing either). She has picked up amazingly since he went and is now joining in with the others.
From your post it seems that you have one male and one female? If so you should try to get one or two more females because the male will harass her constantly and she may well die. However this will only reduce the stress she is under, there could well be something else wrong with her, do the water change and check the water quality and post any other symptoms as they appear.

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