Platy Problem


Fish Fanatic
Apr 5, 2009
Reaction score
California, US
HI everyone.
I'm fairly new to hobby (about 5 months).
I started out with 3 Bettas in 3 gal. then moved to 10 gallon, and just last night started a transition to 29 Gal.
I currently have:
3 sunset platy (2 male and 1 female) thanks to this forums i can tell the sex :)
2 coral red platy (1 male and 1 female)
1 Striped Raphael catfish (i never see him so don't know the sex)
1 Plecostomus (sex unknown)

Without a clue about fishless cycle in first 3 month i encountered every fish desese in the book.
After loosing all my Bettas i got 3 male guppies and 3 sunset Platys mentioned above.
Guppies keep going after Platys non-stop, after 2 weeks i returned guppies to fish store and got what i hoped was 2 MALE coral red plays.
So now i have total 3 male and 2 PREGNANT female, i went ahead and got a bigger tank to be ready for the fry.
The biggest problem i have now is one of the male Sunset platy keep harassing everyone in the tank (except for pregnant red platy and it just started about a week ago) and combined with transition to new tank all of them are under high stress.
I know my male to female ratio is the biggest problem but i really dont want to get more females.
Is there anything i can do to stop the harassment besides getting more females ?
Any advice will be helpful.
the male is just being boss of the tank my molly's are like it they fight to its funny. there like it all the time the orange one is boss today haha rematch tomorrow little shi* :shifty:




Your tank sounds good except for that you have 2 male sunsets and only one female. It's not very safe for the females and males because they harass all the fish.

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