Platy Pregnant


Fish Fanatic
Feb 6, 2004
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I need help guys, the last few months I had a male and female platy but the female died, she had like 3 batches of babies. Some of them are half grown now. Anyway, I got up this morning and I noticed that 1 of them had a black spot and she was being chased around by the male (her dad I think) She is defiantly pregnant now. She keeps swimming away from him and he will keep none stop following her and I can tell she dont like it. I have a breeding net and i'm tempted to put her in that because she is free from him and she is not that big at all so I think she can be in there untill she gives birth. Can anyone help me?
I had this problem but it was my guppies chasing my I wouldnt put her in he net, i would just let nature take its course. And if thats what the male naturally does leave him to do so. Just put heri n net when you think she is due.
Yeah Ok, but she seemed to get sick of being harrased by him.
If she is pregant, the stress of having the male constantly chasing her around is enough to make her abort. I would separate them. Do you know appox. how far along she is in her pregnancy? It isn't good to place the female in the breeding net long before she is due, so perhaps you could separate the male.

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