Platy Mystery Bump (pls help I got square brain)

Ginger Otter

New Member
Mar 17, 2025
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Hello, I’m new to TFF, which I’ve been relying on for some problems I’ve had in the past. I’m sorry to say that I come with a problem that I desperately need an answer to, I’ve been freaking out!! I’m still new to this hobby, so please have mercy. Just yesterday morning I came home to find my Sunburst Mickey Platy with a small bump on it’s lower lip, which she didn’t have the night before. I can only describe it looking like a zit in its appearance. It isn’t cottony or white/grey like a fungal infection, just something in appearance to a yellow pimple (which I know fish can’t get). I had done my research on ich, epistylis, lymphocystis and velvet, but I don’t think these would match what she may have. My worst fear is that it could be columnaris, but I’d heard that a different strand would cause a white coloration over both their lips, which this bump doesn’t seem to be on. Currently, she doesn't have any other abnormal coloration on any other part of her body, and no signs of fin or lip decay/rot yet. Despite everything, she’s showing pretty much no signs of illness or lethargy like most sick fish would. She’s always been very active and swimming all around the tank, of which she’s the only member. (well kinda)

The thing is that apparently yesterday she’d given birth with me completely unaware of the fact that she was even a female. (I now know the distinction) However, after noticing the new bump on her chin, I went and did about a 50% water change and supplemented the new dechlorinated water with 3 tablespoons of aquarium salt, thinking it would be a good start of treatment for whatever this mystery diagnosis could be. I didn’t figure out her recent parturition until I had seen two little eyes swimming around the tank. And no, they aren’t fish lice, they look like how fry should from what I could find. Pretty sure I must’ve accidentally vacuumed up the rest when doing a water change, so now there’s only two remaining from what I can count. Though I wouldn’t be surprised if she ends up eating them both, I’m not well equipped to try and save them, and I definitely don’t have the time and money to set up a quarantine tank right now.

I could only suspect this would’ve come about with a previous fishmate I had bought with her, but would sadly die from disease just after a few weeks. (He was a male Red Platy.) To be honest, I’m not sure if he’d ever been in the best condition, as it always seemed like his fins were rotting away. On his last days it looked like he had a secondary infection, with white bumps all over his body, and his fins almost completely eroded away. It was too late for me to do anything. This was about 2-3 weeks ago, and my current Platy in question has seemed to still be going strong with no signs of illness. Well, until recently.

Tank: 10 Gallon
Temp: Always between 78-80 F (25.5-26.6 C)
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrites: 0 ppm
Nitrates: 20 ppm
pH: Nearly Alkaline
Additional Notes: There are no live plants, an air stone providing good surface tension, a heater, both a digital and glass thermometer, and a hang on cartridge filter. I’m not sure of the brand.


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Hello and welcome :)

I agree the tankmate was probably poor quality - they are a mass produced and inbred species. The water change was a good move to prevent infection in the wound, keep these up. You don't say your tank volume so the salt dosing is unclear but regardless, I would start to dilute it out in a week or so if the wound has healed.

If you only have platies I feel you could drop the temperature somewhat, 73/74 is mid range for variatus platy.
Hello everyone, thank you so much for a timely response! It's very reassuring to know that it could merely be a minor injury and nothing more. Even so, I might still return to this thread or create a new one if there are any new and unfortunate developments on her condition. I had read to does one rounded tablespoon of aquarium salt per 20 liters, which is about 5 gallons. My tank can hold 10 gallons, but I put in a bit more, being 3 tablespoons, since I thought I had heard Platys could maybe take higher doses. Still, I didn't want to go overboard more than I already thought I was. I tested the water again just this morning and the information in my original post reflects these results. She's still swimming happily it seems last time I checked on her, but she still has the bump.

Sorry for not including my usual water change routine. I test my water quality for nitrogenous waste quite frequently, being every other day or so. With this, I usually do a 30-50% water change every week, siphoning the gravel while doing so. I'll keep in my to slowly adjust the temp down a bit too, so thanks for that as well.

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