Platy/mollies Fish?

Ebony Wolf

New Member
Dec 24, 2005
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I got a molly and a platy last night. I not sure but i think they may have bred. Can someone tell me how they do their courtship?
Mollies and Platies cannot breed together. Different families. However, each of them can store sperm from one mating with a male for up to 7 pregnancies so that's probably what happened with your's. :)

Just for your information, though, mating behavior usually consists of the male going up next to the female, wiggling, poke poke, and she's pregnant. However, you should always keep 2-3 females per male, to reduce aggression from the male and stress on the female, so what sexes are your's? Even though they can't breed, some male Livebearers have such a sex drive that won't stop them from trying.
Someone will correct me if Im wrong but I am nearly sure that mollys and platys cannot interbreed.
Whichever is the female is very likely to be pregnant anyway before you bought her as the females can store sperm from previous matings and are sexually mature from a few months old
Check out the livebearer section for more information on them
OOPS Annastasia beat me to it!
I found out the problem. The pet store said I had 2 Female mollies. When one of them was a Female Assorted Platy. :rolleyes:
My molly and platties breed
i have babies.
and if i have to pull out me camera i will
Mollies and platies cannot hybridize, period. Whatever you have Mo, it is not a molly-platy hybrid.
mollies and platys cannot hybridize. Mollies are Poecila (I forget the species name) and platys are either xiphophorus maculatus, xiphophorus variatus or xiphophorus spp. (swortail X platy crossbreed)
i have a male platy with some molly in him and even i think a slight balloon belly, im 89% sure hes got some molly, you might as well say they can't breed though, because its hard to select a father seeing as they store sperm. i'll try to get a pick of that platy/molly of mine soon and let you guys be the judge

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