Platy Mix


Fish Fanatic
Oct 26, 2006
Reaction score
Ickenham, Middlesex
I got 2 male high fin sunset Platy's. The shop said they would be fine together and now one is harrassing the male.

Is that normal?

I might take the aggressor back and swap.
I got 2 male high fin sunset Platy's. The shop said they would be fine together and now one is harrassing the male.

Is that normal?

I might take the aggressor back and swap.

Platys need to be in groups of 3 or more as they are sociable fish, but also have a high sex drive;

Mixed gender group: at least 2-3 females per male to spread the males attention amoungst them.
all-male group: at least 5 or more males to spread agression between them.
all-female group: at least 3 females or more for their own company.

Don't trust your lfs to do your research for you, after all they will sell you anything given half a chance and tend to not have very educated staff on such matters as fishkeeping- they are no more obliged to tell you how to be a good fishkeeper than a supermarket is to tell you how to lead a good lifestyle/diet, or a car salesman to tell you how to be a good driver etc. So, you must do your own thorough research before you buy any fish/pets as much as posible and rely only on yourself to do this for you :nod: .

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