Platy just laying there


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2004
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well, I'm kinda worried anyway! :unsure:

A strange thing happened, but I don't know much yet about fish behaviour, so I can't be sure what it means. Yesterday after my weekly water change, my female platy (which I've just had for a week) started looking for nooks and plants to hide in. I began to wonder if the male platy had been making agressive advances on her, but I after watching them I think he just craved for her company in a not-so-agressive way. Today she's just laying on the powerhead, not so active as the day before; she's always been the smartest of the bunch, looking for rests of food all over the tank. She came out to have breakfast though! She doesn't appear to be ill (so far). What strikes me as odd is that all this "I don't wanna see anybody" behaviour started right after the waterchange and arranging some decoration (I just moved some rocks). Sometimes the male platy goes and lays by her side for a little while. :sad:

I have no idea what could it be. Could she be ill? Is this part of mating behaviour? (the male platy really seems to like her!) Maybe she just wants some privacy?
I'll appreciate any help. Thank you.

Tank: 10 gal (40 lt)
Tankmates: 3 whiteskirt tetras, 1 male platy, 4 guppys, rocks and a few plants
Do you have a water testing kit? It would be helpful to post what your water parameters are. I realize it was right after a water change, but even so, and depending on the amount of water changed out, sometimes high levels of nitrogenous waste can surprise you.

Other than that, I am not sure that I feel there is enough evidence either way to suggest if she is ill or if this is part of normal behavior (although it may be reassuring to tell you that it very well could be normal behavior-- my platies occasionally take "rests" in different parts of the tank). Let us know how things go :) HTH~
Oh man! Now I'm sad! :sad: She won't eat! And a tiny, tiny redish spot appeared on her side, that can't be good, right? :-(

Thanks for the reply sinistral! I tested my water the morning after the water change, 'cause I got worried and got 0 ammo 0 nitrites and 15 nitrates, ph 8

I bought today some acuarium salt. Would it do any good? The LFS guy told me to add 2 tablespoons to my tank. Oh well, such is life. She's not looking so good, I hope she lives.
Are you sure that she is not pregnant? Often, holding females hide alot and not eat as aggressively (they do eat however - if yours don't eat, then you might have a problem). That "red spot" might be a gravid spot - eyes of fries in her belly.

Good luck with this female - I do hope she is holding...
i agree with yhbae. What colour is the platy and where is the spot? my yellow one is pregnant and i can see the fry quite easily through her scales, which in most light is kinda reddy.

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