Platy Issues


Sleepy Chook
Dec 13, 2003
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Sleeping Somewhere. Or doing water changes. Or run
I am having a problem with my platies in the sunset highfin and my blue platy look REALLY weird. Weird meaning....they are thin, they have bump things on their body (perhaps this is because they are thin) and they are swimming weird. They swim OK normally but when they swim past the filter outflow they kinda "roll" slightly (does this make sense?). So my first thought was internal I watched their poop for the last is normal. The sunset platy has clamped fins sometimes but the other one just looks....well...WEIRD... (see above) clamped fins.

I have another platy....a male red wag platy.....he ATM has a white haze on him....I had this happen to another fish before (that sadly died)...its not ich....I don't think its fungus....just kinda like a haze...greyish/white....not all over him...kinda in patches. He is swimming and eating normally.

ALSO, I found a dead lyretail swordy this morning sucked into the filter intake (not actually into the filter but on the intake tube bit)....i have had problems with her getting stuck to the intake before....normally I was there to remove her, sadly this time it happened overnight.

All fish affected are eating normally and are not hiding at all.....

To remind ppl who may have forgotten or who are unaware....6 weeks ago I had a problem with fish dying...for "apparently" unknown reasons. It turned out there was dog flea treatment going into the tank (long story)...the source was removed..... a LOT of water changes performed over a period of a seemed OK after this. The fish seemed fine for a month or so....NOW this.

I want to help the fish affected but I don't know where to start. Other healthy inhabitants....
1 female yellow twinbar platy
1 female neon swordtail
1 male white/spotted platy
1 whiteskirt tetra
Bnose catfish (father and babies).....

So I am thinking that the deaths I am seeing are from the flea treatment after effects.....

Make sense? What can I do? I have been doing more frequent water changes lately.

All parameters are good.....ammo 0, nitrite 0, nitrate <5ppm.

There is quite alot of deseases there I don't no where to start, the fish that rolling sound like swim bladder, try a shelled pea , I will leave a link to lumps and bump the white haze sounds like a parasite infection or a bacteria infection you will need a scrape done to see if it is a parasite infection, would of said add some salt to the tank but you have catfish.
there is nothing you can do the flea spray probably has damaged some of them, the thiness might be this.
Look at this information to see if anything matches up.
Mycobacterium species (Tuberculosis)

A. Gram positive, acid fast rods (M. marinum, M. chelonei and M. fortuitum are the most common Mycobacterium species involved.)

B. All species of fish are affected. This disease affects both saltwater and freshwater aquariums.

C. Clinical signs of tuberculosis are quite variable. The most common signs are anorexia, emaciation, vertebral deformities, exophthalmus, and loss of normal coloration. Numerous variably sized granulomas are often observed in various organs throughout the body. Often numerous acid-fast bacteria are observed in the granulomas.

D. The aquatic environment is believed to be the source of initial infection with fish becoming infected by ingestion of bacterial contaminated feed or debris. Once an aquarium is infected with this disease, it is difficult to remove except by depopulation of the aquarium and disinfecting the tank. Remember this is a zoonotic disease (atypical mycobacteriosis).

E. Atypical mycobacteriosis may manifest itself as a single cutaneous nodule on the hand or finger or may produce a regional granulomatous lymphadenitis of the lymphatics near the original nodule. Occasional local osteomyelitis and arthritis may also occur.
TY wilder.....I thought TB too....but the fish are eating, have normal colouration and have no popeye (though this may come later).....

It just seems like the fish are....well...Unwell I guess :S

I kinda want it to be something.....then at least I can treat it....right now I have NO idea where to start!!!
I don't no what to say for the best some of them might not be strong enough for meds, as more meds come damage them more, you might just have to ride it out , sorry it must be awful for you, let us no on the board how you go on, good luck.
Sorry just hope that some of the fish make it, I wouldn't buy any new fish for a while till the tank has settled down and the remaining fish are healthy.
Oh, I'm so sorry - sends hugs! I wish I could offer some advice but I think you and Wilder may have hit it on the head with after effects from the flea treatment. I know some pesticides can cause neurological damage in humans and animals. Do you have any pictures of the one with the haze? I could compare it to some pictures I took of one of mine a while back to see if it's the same thing. I don't really want to post that particular set of photos as they are pretty disturbing. You can PM them to me if you want.
Thanks polar....the haze is def there however I can only see it when the fish is in a certain light....I tried getting pics last night but none of them showed the haze.....I told the BF and hes like "the fish looks normal"...but to me its is a clear haze IN the right light.....does that make sense?

If you like, could you PM me the pics....perhaps then I could maybe compare!! If its too hard I understand.

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