Platy Help


New Member
Jul 24, 2007
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Hi all. I have a female MM platy that has been acting differently than normal. She is normally a fairly active fish but lately she just seems to lay about, hovering above the bottom or floating at the top. She has no white spots and she is not gasping at the surface. I just recently returned from vacation and found her acting like this. Her fins are fine, no damage but she keeps them pulled in except when she eats then she acts normally for a bit. My water stats are as follows:

Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: < 20ppm(almost 0)

I am just wondering if this normal platy behavior, haven't kept platies too long.Any help would be appreciated.

No picture yet my camera is rubbish, I'll try again later. She actually looks thinner than before I left. She might have had her babies while I was gone. I am almost positive that she was pregnant when I left her belly was swollen. but she looks like a normal femal MM platy. I'll update with a pic soon.
I would definitly say she was pregnant and thats why she was acting that way, if she is thin now, then check your tank for fry...

Best places to look, plants, corners and top of tank, under slate if you have any..

Thats the most common places they go, 95% of the time though they will be in plants hiding.
Well I'll never know what caused her behavior. She died this morning found her belly up on the bottom. :rip:
Sorry for your loss.

I had a platy acting like this, and Wilder advised me to try an antibacterial medicine. Now she's back to normal :) So if you get the problem again, maybe that would be worth a try.

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