New Member
Hi there, new to the forum and new to the world of owning fish I guess though I have done a lot of research since purchasing a tank to ensure that the conditions are right for the fish as I would not wish to subject a life to unhealthy conditions.
I have had the tank for around three months now, when it was first cycled I started off with one platy and she has been absolutely vibrant in the tank, she has more energy than I do! Checked the water and all levels appear to be fine so I was quite impressed with myself for a novice.
At the weekend I felt it was time to get her some company so I purchased two further female platys (not gone for males as I do not think I am quite ready for breeding fish yet) and introduced them to the tank on Saturday morning. The original fish appears to have accepted them save for the occasional bit of chasing.
The one fish seems to be absolutely fine, eating normally and swimming about the tank much in the same manner as the original fish. However, the other fish doesn't appear to have settled so well and has barely, if at all, eaten since entering the tank.
She will generally stay low in the tank, though as I type this she is now having a little swim around. It is here size compared to the other two and her lack of eating that concerns me as she surely won't last long unless she starts to eat and I do not wish to sit back and let it happen, I want to be proactive and do all I can to help.
I have inserted two photos of the fish, she is the largely black fish with orange top and bottom.
I cannot see any forms of flakiness in the scales or any clamping of the fin, when she chooses to swim about she swims fine, but she moves very slowly and will stay in the same place for prolonged periods, whereas the other two move about the tank freely, constantly scavenging for food.
Any assistance you can lend me would be greatly appreciated as I am very worried for her.

I have had the tank for around three months now, when it was first cycled I started off with one platy and she has been absolutely vibrant in the tank, she has more energy than I do! Checked the water and all levels appear to be fine so I was quite impressed with myself for a novice.
At the weekend I felt it was time to get her some company so I purchased two further female platys (not gone for males as I do not think I am quite ready for breeding fish yet) and introduced them to the tank on Saturday morning. The original fish appears to have accepted them save for the occasional bit of chasing.
The one fish seems to be absolutely fine, eating normally and swimming about the tank much in the same manner as the original fish. However, the other fish doesn't appear to have settled so well and has barely, if at all, eaten since entering the tank.
She will generally stay low in the tank, though as I type this she is now having a little swim around. It is here size compared to the other two and her lack of eating that concerns me as she surely won't last long unless she starts to eat and I do not wish to sit back and let it happen, I want to be proactive and do all I can to help.
I have inserted two photos of the fish, she is the largely black fish with orange top and bottom.
I cannot see any forms of flakiness in the scales or any clamping of the fin, when she chooses to swim about she swims fine, but she moves very slowly and will stay in the same place for prolonged periods, whereas the other two move about the tank freely, constantly scavenging for food.
Any assistance you can lend me would be greatly appreciated as I am very worried for her.