Platy fry.


New Member
Jan 29, 2004
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hello, my names Jackie im new to tropical fish had my tank 6 weeks and got 4 platies and 4 zebra danios after one week, one danio died but the others are fine, one platy had about 12 babys i managed to put 2 in a nursery but saw the others get eaten alive! then last night (28th)i saw a baby appear from behind some bogwood i am planning to get 2 catfish is this wise. Also im having problems with the nitrite it just wont go even though im doing 30 litre water changes every other day its a 180 litre tank rio 180, the amonia is at 0. can anyone give me advise. thank you.
if you want have LOTs of plants that way any FRY you miss will be very hidden.

I feed me frys crushed fish flakes
thanx, have you got your fry in a special nursery as i have 2 but noticed it getting a bit dirty but how can i clean it without taking the babys out at the moment i just push it up and down in the water and some bits go through the holes. :lol:
I dont have any FRY right now but when i did i had a LOT of plants.

At least half the space was filled with plants so the frys had lots of places to hide.

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