Platy Fry

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you could just raise them just on fine flake, thats what i do with my guppies, and i feed them spinache
Mine did great on frozen baby brine shrimp and finely crushed flake.
Just flakes will work, and will be fine, but they'll grow faster and stronger if you vary their diet. You wouldn't want to eat the same thing everyday, would you? ;) It's a good idea to alternate in some high protein foods (Live, Frozen, Freeze-dried) a few times a week. You don't want to feed them too often, because fry can become bloated or constipated. If you're careful about portions, you can feed it more often. It's also good to give them veggies. Platies will usually go for veggies. Anything green or leafy is good. Lettuce, cucumber, zucchini and peas seem to be favorites amoung fish keepers. It's a good idea to blanch them or steam them a bit to soften them up. Peas also need to be shelled.

Good luck with the fry! :thumbs:
good advice as usual anna.

basically what i have learned is that in MOST cases, whatever the parents will eat, the fry will eat. but i don't know as i have never had much success keeping fry and never know if they are ever eating. for some reason mine ALWAYS find a way out of the breeding trap i am raising them in (tank bred though- didn't use breeding net/trap but let moms deliver in tank) and get eaten. i don't know why but i think the bigger fish suck them through the cacks in the sides. who knows.

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