Platy fish fry growth

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Nov 22, 2021
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My 5 platy fry are coming up to about 2 months old. They seem to not be growing as quick as I thought they would be as they are little over a centrimetre in length and have no sign of having colour as they are the same colour that they were when they were born.
I still give them liquid fry food as they won't eat the tropical fish flakes I put in there a few days ago. Is this normal for them at this age or is there something I'm doing wrong?
There are lots of factors that affect the growth of fry, increased temperature will speed up the fishes metabolism and make them grow quicker but will shorten their lifespan.

Regular water changes and a decent diet will ensure fry grow quickly, I have a single 3-4 week old platy fry that is around 15mm long at the moment
Feed them more. Baby fish should be fed 3-5 times a day with a variety of foods including dry, frozen and live foods. Newly hatched brineshrimp and microworms are great foods for baby livebearers and will help them grow faster. The baby fish should be fat all the time and look like pregnant guppies.
I raise swordtails (cousins to the platy) a feed crushed high quality flake food about 4 times a day. I also feed live foods (daphnia and white worms as they grow). I use Eheim Everyday feeders to ensure that they're fed routinely.
I raise swordtails (cousins to the platy) a feed crushed high quality flake food about 4 times a day. I also feed live foods (daphnia and white worms as they grow). I use Eheim Everyday feeders to ensure that they're fed routinely.
uh oh... i guess i am not a good fry person
for my guppy+ swordtail fry, i keep them with adults and feed x2 a day......

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