Platy Daddy Yay!


May 19, 2006
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Melbourne Australia
My Electric blue mickey mouse platy gave birth to 10 healthy fry that ive found so far. She started sometime during the night, and just now i saw her releasing another. Im sooooo happy Yay.
Total is now 19 WOOOHOO. Interestingly mother platy chased my other female away when she hunted the fry.

Their birth has inspired me to set up my 30L tank for them, so in to the Big tank went the new stockinged filter to begin the biocycle. Gonna keep the fry in the breeder net for a week so the filter is well run in. Omg its unbelivable the number of fry you find hiding. At first i thought only one: in my first netting i pulled up 3. From there i found a few near the heater, 10 in the spiruana forest, and several hiding in the baby pinkleaf.

Thank you for the advice guys, hopefully the little guys will do well.
Hmmm thanks guys. Just got home from work to discover another 5 in the spirulana LOL. Dont know if shes still giving birth or im just a bit blind for the little guys. Either way i had to do a little replanting of the Spir, it isnt strongly rooted yet. So total 24. They are loving the baby brine shrimp that i am feeding them, its sooo cool to watch their little mouthes gulp them down. Mind you ive never seen the adults get so excited about anything as small as baby brine shrimp: i give them adults usually, but they prefer the babies. Out of interest Anyone from melbourne australia here looking for some platy stock in the next few months: i dont have a large enough tank to keep all these beautiful fish, and those that i choose not to keep i will give to my LFS for credit. However i like the experience so much that if anyone wants them when the time comes, i would be happy to give them to you for free.

Just PM me or post in this thread.

Try posting in the Buy, Sell, and Swap section, you'll probably get more views and takers there. :)
Baby Pics !



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