Platy Concern


Fish Fanatic
Jun 21, 2005
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I have a 10 gal US tank, that contains 5 red wag platties, which has been running for about 4months with no problems at all.

Of the 5 platties 1 is male and the rest are female.

Now this is my problem:

1 month after having the platties in the tank (yes it was cycled before adding the platties). I noticed that 3 of the females and the male were always in a loose group, but one of the platties was always left out.

The platty that has been left out is noticibly skinnier and get's chased around by the male alot. The skinny platty is getting enough food since I watch them eat.

Also now the skinny/outcast plattie seems to be blowing bubbles at the surface of the water. Other than the fact she is skinnier than the rest there are no signs of any kind of disease or problems.

I am just wondering if there is something that I can do about this, or is this normal?

If you are wondering about the bubbles take a look at this short video I took of the platty blowing bubbles, just a note the file is approx 2.5Mb. platty_bubble.avi

Thanks in advance

EDIT: changed link, different hosting website
I am not sure what the bubble blowing is exactly, but can you post us your recent ammonia, nitrate and nitrite stats as that will rule out alot of posibilitys or confirm them?
Tokis-Phoenix said:
post us your recent ammonia, nitrate and nitrite stats

I am sorry to say that at the momet my last test chemicals have been depleted and I do not have the money to purchase a new ones until the end of august.

But the last time I checked (early july), the stats were as follows.

Ammonia: 0
NitrIte: 0
NitrAte: 14
ph: 7.4

Just to note I do weekly 20% water changes as well.
Your stats seem fine, platys are particualy prone to internal bacteria and it can and does cause wasting of the body/anorexia even if the fish is eating well and i suspect your platy has it, infected fish will often spend much time on their own being lethargic or not doing anything. There are quite a few meds available for internal bacteria, but i am not sure which brands would be available in canada though.
For meds I can get all the name brands, especially since there is a petsmart not far from my house.

I just don't know which one, to get. Also unless they cost less than $10 CAD it's going to be tough for me to purchase them. I am a student and well... I know it's not fair but buying food for me is slightly more important.

I thought I would also note that the three other females have been pregnant or are pregnant since I have had them. The one I am concerned about has not.

EDIT: for content
Platys can live with internal bacteria for some time somtimes, male platys will avoid mating with sick females as much as sick females will avoid being mated by sick males, i've never seen a female with internal bacteria get pregnant and i think this is purely because having fry would take so much energy out of the fish the fish would die if it had internal bacteria already- internal bacteria will eventually kill the fish so it is best treated asap.
Tokis-Phoenix said:
it is best treated asap.

I can head to the store and see how much things cost and if I can afford to get the treatments.

Just wondering what you would use to treat this? The only meds I have on hand are aquarium salt and jungle ick guard (active ingredients: victoria green, nitromersol, acriflavine).

Also should I isolate the sick fish for treatment?
Its best to treat the whole tank, you will need a specific med for treating internal bacteria, i live in the UK and i use "anti internal bacteria" by Interpet for treating such a desease but i do not think it is available in canada although you should be able to get it off ebay- salt and ick meds cannot treat internal bacteria unfortunatly, so you will need to find somthing else im afraid.
Many thanks, Tokis-Phoenix.

I will see what I can do.
I am in Canada, I use this for bacteria. Its never let me down, or killed a fish:

Jungle Fungus Eliminator: Clears serious fungus and bacteria FAST.

2.5 oz jar of crystals. Clearscotton fungus, red sores, grey skin, fish bloat, fit and mouth rot, white film on eyes, red streak, and swim bladder diseasesamong others.

Use 1 tsp to 5 usgallons, remove carbon, repeat in 4 days after 25% water change, wait another 4 days, water change replace carbon.

You fan find jungle in most petstores, and even walmart, for about $7 CAN

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