Platy breeding


Moved On
Nov 7, 2003
Reaction score
Medford, New Jersey

Ok dawgs, here it is. I want to breed platies. The question is how? How do you tell the difference between a male and a female and how do you breed these fish? I recently purchased 2 platies and they won't do anything. All they do is swim around. Is it maybe because the goldfish are there? Maybe I should get more platies? (I know someone is going to say "you can't keep platies and goldfish together". I already know.)

Sooo, any advice?

Please note also that this icon :kana: looks funny and that I like cheddar cheese.
first step, go to the livebearer section of the forum and read the pinned article at top about breeding. it has pictures of male and female to show you the difference and some good advice on water temp/conditions, feeding, etc. check it out.

sharp cheddar is the best though, followed by smokey cheddar. but colby jack rocks my world. :lol:
In some platys, the male usually has a sward tail and the female doesn't.
However there are mainly two ways i which to tell the differences.
1. the female tends to be much plumper than the male
2. When the female's eggs have been fertilized, and she is pregnant there will be a black dot just before the anal fin.

I am no expert, If I'm wrong, could so0meone please correct me.
Here is another question on platty breeding. The man at the pet store said that plattys sometimes cross breed with other plattys. Is this true?
yes it's true, platies breed with other platies,they are still the same species
Underneith the belly of the platty their are 2 fins. The fin in the middle is used to determine the sex. The female has a straight extended fin while the male has a more tubular fin.
yup, but do you have cold water fish goldfish in with platys that are tropical?
fishymania said:
In some platys, the male usually has a sward tail and the female doesn't.
Platys do not have Swordtails. That's what Swordtails have. Platys and Swordtails CAN interbreed, but then they are not Platys, but cross-breeds.

The genders can be told apart by the Anal fin. Look at the stomach and notice there is a pair of fins, then the anus, then a single "fin", then the tail. If it's a female, the single fin will be fan shaped, a male's will be a cylindrical pointed shape that does not even look like a fin. Of course, males must be mature, or they look exactly like females. So, you also need to know if they are full-grown or not.

Platies do not have swordtails

The males are more vibrant in colour and the females are fatter
The females are bigger

The platies are not breeding because you just put them in
I have had mine for a month and nothing has happened!! :crazy: :X :dunno:

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