Platy birth...


New Member
Dec 3, 2003
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San Antonio, TX
I have a very pregnant platy. She is translucent so I know she has at least five peas in the pod. I have been observing them growing for about three weeks now. I have a breeder ready. But how do I know when she is going to have them? :crazy: I don't want to put her in there too early. What are the signs that birth is imminent? I am a total noob to aquaria. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. :)

Thank you William. :)
At the moment the tank contains one Dwarf Gourami, one Kuhlii loach, three other Platies, and two Otos. The Gourami is the one I am worried about eating the fry the most. Do you think they will be safe? Thank you.

Actually, platies are extremely good at eating platy fries (with the possible exception of the mother just after giving birth). If you have 3 others, they will gladly gobble them up unless if you have any shelters for the fries.

Do you have any java moss or similar plants in your tank? I remember when I had 1 male/2 female while back in the community tank with some java moss - only 1 survived through until now...

On the other hand, I don't like moving female into a small net either as I can clearly see she is under lots of stress. I ended up with a separate breeder tank with lots of java moss. This works well for me.
Thank you yhbae. :)
Unfortunately my other tank is serving as a sick tank for my other Gourami. So I cannot use it for a fry tank. :/ I was hoping there was some kind of sign to look for when the fry were about to be born. So I could keep the female in the breeder for as little time as possible. The instructions say you can keep her in there for a couple of days. But that sounds too cruel to me. At this point she is still swimming all over the tank and eating all the time. So I don't think she is quite ready yet. I guess I will keep my eye on her activity and eating. I don't have any Java Moss but I do have some Cabombas for the fry to hide in case I miss the birthing. Hopefully that will work out. -_-

Just about all my platies give birth to young ones every 27-28 days, so you must be at most 1 week off from THE day...

Good luck! :D
Does she look like she is literally going to explode? And almost square when you look at her from behind?
Thank you both. :)
She had fry once before. When I first got her for my new tank. I did not know she was pregnant when I bought her from the store for cycling the tank. She never got really big. And she only had maybe three fry. She is kind of a runt. Smaller than any of my other Platies. I did not know she had fry until I saw them zipping around the tank. Sadly they did not survive the cycling. :/
That was around the first of the month. So I figured she is going to pop any day now. Right now she is the biggest I have seen her yet. And yes the bottom of her belly is starting to square off. I hope it goes well this time. :crazy:


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