platy behaviour...


New Member
Dec 17, 2003
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hey, im a newbie here to the forum, i am just wondering if it is normal for a platy to "run up the side of the fish tank", what i mean is, its as if they are eating something off the sides, but i had just cleaned it (to put in some gravel and such) so not sure if it is algae or not. i have one of them 1 gallon starter tanks with an air pump and a light on top. oh and i have 3 platies in the tank.

Thats normal, make sure you leave some algae on the back wall, it keeps them healty. Its only if they are "darting" up and down the sides as if they wanna get out you need to be worried.
Test your water. It could be your fish riding the current or it could be that they're stressed and trying to get more air... my guppies would pace up and down and after a few water changes they calmed down. But sometimes they see they're reflection in the glass too and follow it....
thanx for the replies, i think its the reflection hehe

any way to reduce that without turning off the light?
darbee said:
thanx for the replies, i think its the reflection hehe

any way to reduce that without turning off the light?
If it is the reflection, I wouldn't try to get rid of it. It gives the fish something to do for fun. :)

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