Platy Babies


New Member
Apr 24, 2003
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England, UK
I have had a pair of red wagtail platys for 4 months now and I have had survivors from three drops, I now have 5 baby platies and they all appear to be girls.

This will make my 1 male platy happy :D :D but I was wondering if there was any factors that were affecting this, for example water temp or pH?

Has any one else experienced this?
How old are the young ones, if less then 2 months old they will all 'appear'to be female many will develop gonopodiums after 2 months :)
Only one of them is over 2 months old, this could maybe explain it.

thanks a lot for the advice :) :)
does this go the same for guppy babies too? only asking because i had 1 male and 3 females, my 1 male died leaving three females right then recently 2 of the 3 females have coloured up in their tails and now have 2 females and 1 male STRANGE!!!!

I :wub: my babies to
With my experience with my platies, I get 1 male fry for every 4 females. I don't know if the water chemistry has anything to do with it or not.

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