platy and groumies?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 19, 2004
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candada B.C
hey guys i have a 20 gallon tank with 2 blue groumies and 4 corys i saw some HUGE platies all about 2 to 3 inches. i was wondering if they would be ok in the tank? i did some basic reading on them and they seem like they would be i just wanted to dubble check.
Hi kissez_61 :)

Platties are very colorful fish that get along very well with all the fish you have. As long as you just get a few, so that your tank isn't overcrowded, they will be just fine. :thumbs:
I used to have a neon blue dwarf gourami with a red wag platy... they were perfect together! but, I coulda been lucky, I was lucky when I put a gourami and betta together too!
i think i would only get too females? wutcha guys think? i dont want to push over stocking my tank,

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