platy acting strangely


New Member
Mar 10, 2004
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Hi. A couple of days ago I noticed that one of my platys is just hanging around on the bottom of the tank. She looks like she's gasping & altho her fins are moving, she is just "sitting" on the gravel with her tail a bit lower than the rest of her body. She does move around the odd time & is not too interested in eating. Otherwise, I think she looks the same & the rest of my fish are doing fine. Water parameters are good. any ideas?? Thanks
I am asuming that when you say your water parameters are good that there is no ammonia or nitrite and that your nitrate is below 15. Is your water oxygenated enough? Do you have adequate filtration? Is she clamping her fins?

For now, I'd do a water change of say 25% and see if that makes any difference.

Let us know how you go
ammonia, nitrite & nitrate are all at zero & I change 25% of the water once a week. I have an AccuClear 200 & an airstone in my 25 gallon. As for clamped fins, yes & no. They are clamped off & on, but definately if any other fish are near her.
Is she sitting on the bottom out in the open, or is she hiding down there? I ask this, because I had a female platy that was being tormented by a male she wanted nothing to do with. She would wedge herself into a hiding place and stay there most of the day.

I finally got another tank and moved the tormentor and his favorite girl into it. The female is totally normal now. Don't know if this helps, but... :unsure:
She is the same in both places actually - from right out in the open in the middle of the tank to the corners under plants & rocks. I moved her into my 10 gallon last night which has fewer fish & I can keep a better eye on her. Her behavior hasn't changed. I just don't know what to think :/

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