Platties biting one ill female pregnant platty


New Member
Mar 24, 2004
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New Orleans LA
:eek: Hi friends. This is my first day here and my 5th week as a fish keeper. I had one female who had fin rot and was listless. The baby platties 2 weeks old kept bothering her by biting her dorsal fin! We bought her an adult male to cheer her, but to our shock, he started doing the same thing! (The pet shop girl never heard of such behavior) Then, the next morning we found she was dead. :blink: (The platty, not the girl :lol: ) Then, I found one new fry in the tank! :p Man, this hobby keeps me on constant emotional state! I don't know how most people stick with this because it sure can get discouraging. But I am determined to learn- thats why I joined you! :rolleyes:
it can be quite depressing when you start out and have fishy deaths....keep at it ,get advice here and things will get better!! :)
hey there- welcome!

aaaahhhhh yes the most stressful hobby i have ever had! Keeps you on your toes. But when all is going well its great!

Don't get fustrated, it will work in time!

Next time you find a sickly looking fish (God forbid) try and isolate it. I normally use a breeder net that can sit in the same tank. That will give the fish a chance to recuperate without being bothered by the others :)

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