Plattie Babies What Do I do????????

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Mar 7, 2005
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Wirral, England
Hi - over nite we have had a wonderful arrival. But I haven't a clue what I'm supposed to do with them. Thought the fish was ill last nite so I seperated it put it in a birthing tank, luckly. Now I dont know what to do, I have put the mother back in the tank with the rest of the fish, but do I feed the babies? What do I feed them, rest of fish get bloodworm....... all help greatly appreciated. :dunno:

thanks Alex :kana:
If you can find it, Tetramin fry food, or Hikari First Bites are best for the first few weeks. Or you can use Baby Brine Shrimp, but it's best to just supplement with that. After they grow a little, you can move on to finely crushed flakes, and freeze-dried, frozen or live Bloodworms, Brine Shrimp, Daphnia...etc. As they grow, you can keep feeding them these things, and whatever else you feed your fish, just crush it up for them. Also, if possible, it's best if you can feed them at least 3 times a day. They have small stomachs, and it goes through them faster then it goes through an adult. :)

I'm guessing the tank they are in is cycled? Babies are sensitive to water quality, so just be careful. They need frequent water changes. You can use a turkey baster, or make a syphon out of airline tubing to make sure you don't suck up the babies. Or use a regfular syphon, and just be very very careful. You can try shining a light on one side of the tank. Most babies will either go towards the light, or away from it, so just vaccuum where they aren't! Also, the filter could be another problem...sponge filters are the best, but if you have another filter, you can usually fashion something so the babies cannot be sucked in.

Good luck and Congrats! :thumbs:
Congratulations!! Agree with Anastasia plus 'Liquifry' by Interpet is a good one here in the UK. :thumbs:
Hi Guys thanks so much for your advise. The babies are in a birthing tank at the moment & I am supposing I am to keep them in there until they are big enough to look after themselves??? I am going to go the fish shop on my way home from work & will get some of your recommendations.

Does anyone know how long is it before they are old enough to go into the main tank??

cheers Alex
Yes, keep them there.

Age really depends on what other fish are in your tank. The general rule of thumb is when they are too big to fit in the biggest fish's mouth. Maybe a little after, if you have some slightly agressive fish, so they don't get bullied too much.

Oh yeah, and be warned...Guppies are massive fry producers, and you can be quikly over-run with babies. You might want to start looking into places for them to go, or even let them be born in the tank, and do a "survival of the fittest". This batch can be raised in a seperate tank's a good experience. :)
Thanks for the help I knew I could depend on all your help. I dont know what I would do without this website. Probably have a lot of dead fish on my hands!! Thanks again

Alex :D
Oh my word I have just realised I have put Guppies its my Plattie that has given birth - oh good god I am a dozzy one today. it must be the heat mixed with the blonde hair sorry everyone. :dunno: :rofl:
Oh my god still cant beleive I did that - will everything still be the same as you guys have suggested with it being the plattie instead.....
Doesn't matter. The same things still apply. :) Though I think Platy Babies are cuter. :p

Anyway, one more thing I forgot to add, is you can suppliment veggies in too. Like blanch a small piece of cucumber, or zucchini, or something similar. Usually they will eat a little bit, and it will be good for them. And remember not to feed just Bloodworms, or Daphnia or things like that. While it may seem like they like them better, these foods are very high in protein, and they can cause constipation, or bloating. Alternating it in with other foods should be perfectly fine though, as long as you don't overfeed. :)
Congrats... I remember how flustered I was for my first birth. It was actually my first post on here!

I ended keeping my babies in a fry tank for more than 6 months(I'm thinking that it was more than that). I was so nervous, and so worried about them. I had bigger fish that would have gulped them up in a second if they were any smaller.

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