Platies with white poo!


Fish Gatherer
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
I have a spare 10 gallon but it has no light, hood, or filter. Would I be able to put them in there and treat them for internal parasites if I had an air pump for them? Would they survive that way?

I have glass catfish and clown loaches in the tank so I am weary of treating with salt or any other meds in the main tank. :dunno:
I would have thought the main thing would be a heater! If I treat fish in another tank I amso make sure there is plenty of plants, artificial or otherwise as I am sure the fish would be a bit dissorientated etc and like to hide away. Also make sure that you get plenty of air in the tank as a few treatments (I have only treated ich so might be different in your case) lower the oxygen content.
Hope that helps and good luck!!
blinky said:
I would have thought the main thing would be a heater! If I treat fish in another tank I amso make sure there is plenty of plants, artificial or otherwise as I am sure the fish would be a bit dissorientated etc and like to hide away. Also make sure that you get plenty of air in the tank as a few treatments (I have only treated ich so might be different in your case) lower the oxygen content.
Hope that helps and good luck!!
Oh yea, I can add a heater as well. :p But I have a tank I keep snails in without a heater in my room and the temp always stays at around 75-77 F so it doesn't get that cold here without a heater.
How long have they had the long stringy white poo, try a shelled pea fist.
Wilder said:
How long have they had the long stringy white poo, try a shelled pea fist.
I don't know, I just noticed it today. I was feeding them about 5 minutes ago and noticed two of my three platies had white stringy poo. :-( I will try a shelled pea, but one of the platies was scratching herself on a rock the other day in my tank as well as a von rio. Is there anyway I could treat the whole tank without harming the clown loaches or the glass catfish? :dunno: Like medicine wise? Can I use Maracyn 2 tablets in the main tank to cure the whole tank?
I dont mean to intrude on your thread but I think I also may have the same problem with my guppy. Im not sure if you read my post titled "deformed/dead fry" but it may just of been poo. What can I do to help my guppy? She still is having these white things come out of her... And I dont want it to infect my other fish. The only thing is that its thicker than normal brown poo.
Can anyone offer some advice?
Thanks, and again I hope im not intruding on your thread :unsure:
No, you will need an internal parasite med like clout.
Wilder said:
No, you will need an internal parasite med like clout.
Okay I will head to the store today and try to get some meds for them. With clout or any other internal parasite meds would it be okay to just treat the whole tank?
If they haven't clout just ask for an internal parasite med for worms, treat the whole tank the other will have it as well, good luck.
Wilder said:
If they haven't clout just ask for an internal parasite med for worms, treat the whole tank the other will have it as well, good luck.
Is there a good chance I will lost some of my fish, or do you think most of them will live after they are treated? :dunno: :-(
what is the thing with the shelled pea? never heard of that!
If you treat it fast and caught it in good time they should survive, good luck.

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