Platie fry dying


Fish Herder
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
cardiff uk
Discovered some of my platie fry are dying, i have exmined the dead bodies underneath the microscope and i have discovered two things:-

(1.) Spiral shaped bacteria which i can't find an explaination for. (what could this be?)
(2.) Dark mottled spots covering the whole body surface which can only be seen underneath microscope at 94x100 magnifaction.

Checked water chemistry before a water change and it's 0.1 ammonnia, 0 nitrite and 5 nitrate, ph is at 7.6

Any help would be gratfully appreciated.
someone please help bigfish! :-(

sorry i can't help because i don't know too!!!!!!!!

someone help bigfish :sad:
I really don't know what to tell you, cuz this is definitely not a normal problem. :sad: Maybe it is some sort of parasite ? It could even be a kind that lives in water normally, but is affecting your fries and not adults because babies obviously are going to have weaker immune systems. The only thing I would suggest is treating them with some sort of medication, it doesn't seem like it would hurt since they're dying anyway :/ . I'm so sorry, and I hope you get this figured out, good luck!
Thanks for your help, i have treated them for skin and body flukes as i have seen them in large numbers under the microscope so thats what could be killing them off, due for another dose tomorrow so see what happens, they swim round on them sides and then die.

Never seen anything like this before it's werid.
:-( I'm so sorry - you sound so desperate. I'm afraid I'm a newbie so I cann't really help. I did a web search but threw up nothing. Just thought I'd let you know others are comiserating. :( cool_jool
I wish I could help, bigfish. I am not that technical in the areas of bacteria or serious parasites. I hope you get an answer. Are you looking anyplace else? Were there any symptoms before the deaths?

I tried a search for diseases that strike small fish suddenly and found several references to Saprolegnia fungus. I found a couple of microscopic pics of this.

Best of luck.
IDK about the spirals m8 :unsure:

...but most fry require exceptional water quality to stand a chance of survival - any trace of ammonia may be too much :/ - aside from any bacteria that seem to be present aswell....


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