plastic tray behind the cartridge penguin 330

As stated in another post (can't remember who said it) it is for adding extra carbon, etc... to the filtration process when necessary.
I was gonna ask that too, you can put different kinds of medias or whatever, right?
like there's different kinds that sometimes get rid of some things more than others right? plz say if I'm wrong. I'm not sure, I just got the 330 yesterday, never had one b4
i use the amo-carb, this soposedly prevents amonia spikes. anyway i dont use carbon only as its in the cartridges, and since u can put carbon or what ever u desire in the baskets, u can make the cartriges last longer with just rinsing them, i havnt repalced mine in 2 months and my tank is crytal clear, i add media when i do water chgs....i clean my cartridges ever cpl of weeks but dont clean both same day..wait a few days for 2nd..i have no prob with this method..

these are great filters...think u wil be happy...u can let them run too when u do a 25% water chg i always do, just make sure u unplug your heater....once water level comes back up filling, they re prime and run fine with nothing else to tinker with...i found tha tthe amo carb keeps water crystal clear, i get the small milk carton size, and just divde it up into the baskets, i have 2 /330's on a 55 having 4 baskets..the amo carb is about $5 a carton... :) :)
I just purchased an Emporer 400 and it has the same thing now just to figure out what my tank needs... P.S. I love the fact that I can change one cartridge one day and wait and change the other one a few days later.
I actually keep just sponges in my baskets to give the bacteria even more places to attach to and live, that way when I do clean out or replace one of the cartridges I have little chance of spikes.

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