Plastic Tank Backgrounds


New Member
Jul 26, 2004
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Durham, NC
Are they just decoration and more for people (to finish the aquatic "scene") or do they serve a reqal purpose for the aquarium i.e. making the fish feel more safe?

-Jason :dunno:
my tropical tank has no background and they're fine.But i think they're supposed to act like gravel,to stop the glare off the glass on the fish.
my 10g has one cos looks gd, but ma big tank looks better without one, the white wall behind it kinda goes with the tank! i shudnt fink the fish really care... i mean u can buy backgrounds wich are like a big shark so as for looking ova shoulders lmao!!! :rofl:
It has been said that having backgrounds provides a sense of security for the fish. The principle is much the same as a horse wearing blinders. The more restricted it's field of vision, the less that can spook the horse. Same thing with fish. Though, since many people put their tanks up against a wall, there is not likely to be anything moving around to stress the fish back there. So, in most cases it is more for us than for the fish. I just have a blue posterboard cut to size behind my tank. It looks much nicer than a bunch of wires hanging around back there (from my filter, heater, lights, etc).

I can imagine that would increase the bioload somewhat :rofl:

My 30g coldwater tank has had aluminium foil, holographic wrapping paper, cardboard and wallpaper as backings so i think it's down to personal taste. Tip: If you've got one and want to get rid of it do it slowly, one of mine fell off one day and the fish freaked and didn't settle for days :-(
A good tip is try before you buy :)
Get something the colour you think you want and pop it behind the tank for a day to see if you like it before buying backing.

*Looks at the pile of different backings in the bin*

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