Plastic Plants


Fish Crazy
Jan 29, 2006
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I recently put plastic plants in my bettas tank. His fins seem a bit frayed now.. could it be from the plants? They are a bit rough.
I have some betta revive, should I put that in there to fix his fins? It says it helps protozoan disease, bacterial diseases, and fungal diseases.
If they're frayed from the plastic plants, then you probably don't need to medicate... although keeping the water crispy clean certianly wouldn't hurt.

Here's what I'd do:

Remove the plants, and test them to see if they're sharp. If you have panty hose handy, run it along the edge... if it snags, it's not a good betta decoration. If you don't, run your finger along the edge, if it's sharp, it's not a good betta decoration.

There are people out there who can, and do, use plastic plants. Most people can't though, and that's why we recommend silk or real plants.

I suppose if you have fine grain sand paper or a nail file, you can also gently dull the edge, too.

Since a cut betta is obviously more vulnerable to infection, make sure you keep up with water changes while he heals, and keep an eye on his finnage... it could be finrot, but it sounds like a tear to me.

They heal pretty quickly, given the chance. :D Don't sweat it.
They seem pretty prickly and he's always swimming near them.. so I assume that's why. I think I'll just take them out and get him some silk plants. :)

How do I know if it is finrot?

Thanks for the advice!
Hi Andreeuh,

Sounds like the plants were the issue. Silk plants are a lot safer and IMO more natural looking. My boys like to sleep and rest in theirs.

Do your bettas' fins look blackened at the edges? If so it could be fin rot. If not, keep up with water changes anyway so there is no chance of infection.

He should be fine, hope he recovers quickly! :thumbs:
I think my betta may have fin rot, but i'm not sure as he's a very dark blue VT, and he has some blacks bits on his body (dont shout at me but when i first got him i put him in hot water)! :( VT's do have fins that are close together though, so it might just be his species i'm not sure. I wish I could get pictures up, but sadly I do not have a camera!

I went out today and bought some silk plants from Pets At Home, it was only something like £4 for 3 very nice silk plants, I bought them after I was recommended to get them on this forum, and tommorow i'm also clearing out my goldfish tank and my betta tank, therefore I can re-arrange all my ornaments and make the best possible space and best conditions for my fish!
Hm... I can't really tell if they are black or not. Sometimes it looks black and sometimes blue. Here are some pictures.



and here is a picture of his fins before.


Does it look like finrot?

Sorry for the bad quality.. my good camera is being borrowed.

I can't really tell if it's fin rot but his fins don't look to be in good shape. :/ I would do 50% water changes every two days, add some aquarium salt (follow the packet directions) and keep his water nice and warm. Do you have a heater?
I live in Florida so I don't think he needs a heater.. his water is usually luke warm. I'm going to the pet shop to pick up some new silk plants soon & aquariam salt.
I just did a %10 water change yesterday. He has a 10g tank.

Thanks for the advice!
Definately looks like a tear to me, and not finrot. :nods: Mine split his tail in his youngin' days a few times while getting carried away flaring.
Do the tears heal? Or is his fin going to be like that forever? I just put in the aquarium salt & new plants. :D

Yea, my other bettas must be jealous in their 1g :p. I would like to upgrade theirs too.. but no room, sadly. :sly:
If they're frayed from the plastic plants, then you probably don't need to medicate... although keeping the water crispy clean certianly wouldn't hurt.

Here's what I'd do:

Remove the plants, and test them to see if they're sharp. If you have panty hose handy, run it along the edge... if it snags, it's not a good betta decoration. If you don't, run your finger along the edge, if it's sharp, it's not a good betta decoration.

There are people out there who can, and do, use plastic plants. Most people can't though, and that's why we recommend silk or real plants.

I suppose if you have fine grain sand paper or a nail file, you can also gently dull the edge, too.

Since a cut betta is obviously more vulnerable to infection, make sure you keep up with water changes while he heals, and keep an eye on his finnage... it could be finrot, but it sounds like a tear to me.

They heal pretty quickly, given the chance. :D Don't sweat it.


:blush: *Cough* Actually, my betta's in a 5g. He's not a good enough swimmer to be in a larger tank. He's in a gussied up, heated and filtered, planted, 5g. :)

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