

Fish Crazy
Feb 5, 2004
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Hello everyone!

I went to the ifs and I was going to get Java fern for my betta/cory tank but it did not look very healthy.

So I brought some aquatic grass. Does anyone know anything about this. The ifs just had it in a tank w/some gravel -- its very green and firm.

This is my first plant...its it for beginners?

Hi there - in the "how does your garden grow" forum there are some pinned topics that contain links to plant identification sites. They would have information and specs for your new plant. Happy hunting.

If you mean common hairgrass also known as Eleocharis vivipara Common then it should be a fairly easy to grow plant as long as it gets 10-12 hours of light of medium intensity. It does get fairly messy if you feed excess flakes but the fish usually clean it up pretty well. I hope it goes fine. Other good beginning plants are cryptocornes, sword plants as they dont require much light or maintenance. Also java fern and for a different look java moss are also easy to look after and propogate quickly.

Good luck with the plants they certainly add alot of character to any tank. :D
Hi Alaska & Tstenback!

Thanks so much for your respones!

I really like the idea of having "real" plants -they give my tank an authentic look.
And I think my fishies like it as well.


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