

Fish Fanatic
Aug 1, 2007
Reaction score
Scotland, UK
Hiya all,

I am just going into the vast world of planting up my tank. I have purchased all equipment to do my own co2 set up this week. Wow Diy set ups are pricy too lol. But hey i hope it works out. Anyway i have had my tank for over a year and not done very well with plants in my tank. Over the past few months i have tried various plants that like low level lighting but they keep on perishing after a few months so i have upgraded my lighting to X4 T8 30W 900mm blubs. They run for 10hrs straight.

The problem is that the tank is 60 cm in depth. I have a 295 litre tank. Another set back is when i first got the tank i put in pea gravel which i quite coarse.

Is there any suggestions on plants that will suit my eventual set up. Any other ideas are welcome. take a look at the pic to see the gravel.




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you should have gone for at least T5's, T8 will struglle to penetrate to the bottom of the aquarium,

other than that, you have hogh light & CO2 which means you will be able to grow a lot of plants, maybe just not carpeting species.

What fert will you be using?
you should have gone for at least T5's, T8 will struglle to penetrate to the bottom of the aquarium,

other than that, you have hogh light & CO2 which means you will be able to grow a lot of plants, maybe just not carpeting species.

What fert will you be using?

you should have gone for at least T5's, T8 will struglle to penetrate to the bottom of the aquarium,

other than that, you have hogh light & CO2 which means you will be able to grow a lot of plants, maybe just not carpeting species.

What fert will you be using?

I have a friend who told me what to use. I cant remember the name of it sorry. But i am going to buy it from aqua essentials. What would you reccomend out of interest?

I am quite oncerned about the gravel because it is quite corse.

I had to go with T8's because that is what the hood came with. there is 2 slatted lids for feeding and i just installed 2 extra T8's in to the lids.

What plants would you reccomend to put in. I havnt put in the CO2 yet because i am waiting for the bits to arrive. I am looking forward to it.. just worried about making mistakes at this stage

The plants i havin at the moment are getting holes like pin pricks in them and one of them is getting yellow leaves i have taken a pic below. Hopefully Co2 and ferts will sort this out and some good advice. That is why i baught the set up cos i hate not having nice plants in the tank.

I have 2 filters running for dual redunancy. a fluval 305 with outflow going diagonally across the tank right to left and a tetratec 1200 outflow going from the back right, this is spraying flat against the back right to left to circulate the water nicley.

Will i need a couple of powerheads near the bottom to circulate the co2 round the tank. I was thinking of getting one and using the filer to take in co2 from a diffuser to pump it to the upper levels and a powerhead to pump co2 from the other diffuser, Does this sound like a good plan?

Lots of questions sorry lol.




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Sort that sig out man, it makes reading even this short thread a whole load of scrolling. There's space in your profile for your stocking list, or if you must have it in your sig, just have it as a list, not one line each!
the pinholes are probably potassium defficiency. yellow leaves could be nitrogen defficiency.

was the product tropica plant nutrition+ ? you might want to try EI so it is cheaper.

I think you will be able to grow any plants so it is hard for me to say!!

aim for minimum 10x turnover so work out what you have and decide if you need anything extra via powerheads.
the pinholes are probably potassium defficiency. yellow leaves could be nitrogen defficiency.

was the product tropica plant nutrition+ ? you might want to try EI so it is cheaper.

I think you will be able to grow any plants so it is hard for me to say!!

aim for minimum 10x turnover so work out what you have and decide if you need anything extra via powerheads.

I get ya. i think it was Easy Life he suggested to me. He orders his own chemicals that he labels up and kinda does a cocktail and adds it that way. I might get the info from him.

I will get him to check it over. It is good news that i will be able to grow anything. I was worried that the gravel was a little big to have a success on my hands.

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