

Al Bundy
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Dec 12, 2003
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hey, i'm setting up a new fishtank (3 ft) and would like to know what type of plants i need to put in, thanks
i'm going to have neon tetras, algae eaters, ghost shrimp, maybe some guppies, a silver shark, some probably some other tetras of some sort, undecided atm
Well i only own some of the fish you have so I'll say what works for me :D
My guppies tend to like a floating plant near the top(especially females and I'm sure future fry will too :D ) since thats where they mostly reside and feel more protected. Right now i have a live modo grass plant there (its not bushy and doesnt take up alot of space) but these plants only last a couple of months so even a fake plant would do.
My tetras(neons, glowlights and black neons) like leafy plants near the bottom since they feel insecure of their size(another eason to buy them in groups). I use several fake plants for this. Some tall with short leafs and some shorter plants near the bottom.
Since i dont know what algae eater your deciding on, I'm just gonna tell ya what my cories like. They dont really care too much for plants for shelter more for hiding places(love to hide ). So i bought a fake hollow log with attached plants and i also put this half shell piece that creates sort of a mini cave for them.
Bare in mind this is what my fish like and i dont have aggressive fish so i dont need too many hiding places.
I'm in the process of putting up some my tanks pic in Members Aquariums pics so you can view my tank. Cya around :)

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