

New Member
Nov 27, 2005
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:/ help can anybody tell me why my nutafin co2 system has gone mad (excuse non technical language) loads of bubbles coming through the maize thingy so thought argh needs new stuff in cannister so l did that last night but still same today have now unplugged it but there's still loads of bubbles going through maize. Whats happening !!!!! any help so appreciated just added new plants as crabs or shrimp ate/ hacked all others :blink:
Well the bubbles are what you want thats the co2, as they go up the ladder they are being diffused into the water, how many bubbles are we talking about here, how many bubbles every ten seconds or so are you getting? and have you any way of measuring the co2? if you do post the results, ideally you want around 30ppm if you are running a highlight tank>any tank running 2 watts per gallon or more.

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