Plants To Create Shade?


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Sep 18, 2012
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Above is what my tank currently looks like. At the minute most of the plants in there are fake apart from the 2 small Anubias which I have just recently purchased.
I want to convert to planted so I would appreciate any advice that can be given.
I am looking for some plants that will fill some of the background, but that will also grow to lay across the top of the water and create shade in the tank. This is due to my 2 largest clown loach not really liking the light, so I want to make the tank a bit shadier for them without messing around with my light set up.
I don't really want to have to mess around with a CO2 set up and currently have a sand substrate.
Thanks in advance
One of the giant vallis/sagittaris species might fit the bill.
I like the corkscrew val. Below is a picture from google images that shows how it can work as a background and a shade plant.
What's your water like, hardness-wise, OP?
I've had success in the past with sagittaria, but have never been able to grow corkscrew vallis; my water's too soft for it, I think.
Thanks for the update.
Not really sure on hardness sorry, I don't test for it. Only test for ammonia, nitrites, nitrates and ph.
Will plants grow ok in sand substrate or will I need something else??
A broad leaf background plant that you can't go wrong with is amazon sword. I've had astounding luck with it considering most of its leaves are near a foot long and 4 or so inches across. Very beautiful and very green. :)
Oh I like the corkscrew, that's lovely. Will my water be too soft for it too? PH is 6.4
I have wisteria which grows so fast then bends and sits on the water at the top like water lettuce, I find it great to offer a little shade and fry love hiding in it!
My fry tank-that's the wisteria growing over.

welcome to the jungle...
Vallis is always worth a try.
It's an odd, very temperamental plant, IME. In some of my tanks it goes absolutely mental, and in others it doesn't do at all well. Sometimes it moves it's self, by runners, to somewhere in the tank it likes better than where you put it!
I've also found that, once it's established and growing well, it doesn't like being moved :/
A different opinion here. You're not wanting to bother with a fully planted tank, co2 etc. so build your shy fish a bog wood and \ or rock cave \ retreat. Yes, everyone will encourage you to grow a planted tank, but you already made clear it's not what you want and it isn't easy anyway.
That's why I suggested a low maintenance plant like wisteria which does not need co2, it just grows anyway.
If you just want shade, have you considered a lily.
Tiger lotuses will grow pretty easily and give good shade if you let their leaves get to the surface.
That's why I suggested a low maintenance plant like wisteria which does not need co2, it just grows anyway 
Are you not even adding iron or ferts for this growth? Wish I could get it to grow like that in PH7.
i would say a nice huge amazon sword :) check out my picture below its grown almost 3x its size than that now and provides amazing shade
coolie said:
That's why I suggested a low maintenance plant like wisteria which does not need co2, it just grows anyway 
Are you not even adding iron or ferts for this growth? Wish I could get it to grow like that in PH7.
No am I meant to? I put the wisteria in, about a month ago, it's taken over my fry tank! My PH is around 6.4.
I also have amazon sword which is massive now!
Thanks for all the help guys. I already have a few caves and some bog wood set up. Gunna try some easy stuff like the amazon sword and corkscrew vallis etc and see how I get on. I like the look of planted tanks I just don't really want to be messing around with CO2 for now. I say this but a few month down the line I'll probably have the full system set up lol. Would anyone reccomend the plant collections you can order online from places like Java. They are currently selling a 36" collection for around £15 that contains 95 plants! I know I'll need fert for them but would I be able to fully plant my tank like that without CO2?
My ph is currently around 7.0-7.2

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