Plants That Will Survive Goldfish Nibbling?


Resurrecting the Passion of Fishkeeping
Nov 12, 2009
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I really would like to try to introduce live plants into my system that are easy to care for - - (read : no C02) - atleast for right now...

I used to have luck with water wisteria, but one of our goldfish has suddenly developed a craving for it....and now all of our goldfish enjoy eating needless to say we have no more wisteria. :lol:

are there any plants that thrive in a low maintenance setting WITH goldfish???
Anubias is good apparently and java fern so I've read (I didn't try them as I have them in other tanks and wanted something different).

In my goldie tank I have elodea (it is alive; however they are forever digging it up). I also have amazon swords (I know they are warm water but they are ok; althoug my plec likes to eat them :(). I had twisted vallis in there (that didn't survive the cold temperatures). The one that has done best is "Fountain Plants" - I really like them and my fish don't bother with them much and dont dig them out as often as the other ones (oh and they seem to be plec proof as well).

My tank is VERY low light and no CO2.

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