Plants (snails!) and other décor


New Member
Apr 14, 2024
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Huntington Beach, CA
I have plants in my 15-gallon aquarium. I had them in there for about a month when they began giving me snails. A photo is attached.

My LFS doesn't guarantee that their plants are snail-free, but I bought their plants anyway. I've never seen a snail in their planted aquariums. They probably scrape the glass and vacuum every day.

My question is this: where can I get guaranteed snail-free plants? I don't really want to put my trust in an LFS. However, if you know of a reputable LFS in Orange County, CA, please let me know.

Is there such a thing as mail-order aquatic plants? And, if so, are the guaranteed snail-free?

One thing more: is it ok to use as decor an abalone shell?

Thanks 1000010960.jpg
The only guaranteed snail-free plants I know of are the tissue-cultured plants sold in tubes at large retailers such as Petco & Petsmart (or equivalent outside the USA). Generally not very nice plants, with notable exceptions, particularly if purchased early on after they arrive at stores. (Those that have been there for days to weeks are often in very poor shape). Regardless, snails are relatively easy to clean off plants, and not much of a problem in a well balanced tank. Some people prefer having some, such as myself (if not out of control).
There are several sources for aquatic plants that have websites and do mail-order business. A google search will reveal many options. I'm unaware of any that guarantee snail-free stock. But you can take care of that by disinfecting/debugging all new plants in a bath of potassium permanganate. The latter is also readily available on line.
I have bought plants from Wet Plants with VERY good results. Also one of the members here @connorlindeman has an on-line shop for plants.

Snails coming with a plant is always a risk but, as stated above, plants can be sterilized.


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