Plants (nottingham)

Hiya :)

I am a bit of a plant newbie! Is this a green or brown Crypt? Do you use fertiliser or anything to help them grow?

I am interested in a bunch of them but was worried my lighting or setup wouldn't be good for them!



They are green ! In my main tank I dose CO2, but I also have a shrimp tank that gets ZERO ferts, and a pretty low light, and its a jungle in there !!!
Nathan and Adam... youre plants are on the way ! :nod:

Please let me know when they arrive safely ?

Thanks guys
Plants arrived this morning, couple of leaves took a beating but I trimmed those off and now they're in and seem to be doing well! Thanks very much :good:
Plants arrived this morning, couple of leaves took a beating but I trimmed those off and now they're in and seem to be doing well! Thanks very much :good:

Thats great - thanks for letting me know ! Would appreciate a quick note in the thread too ?

Thanks again
Plants now in the tank and looking good! Lots of good roots on these guys and well worth £3 :)


got any riccia left?

if so do you have a pic of it? (i cant see any in the first pic)
Where abouts in Notts are you Rooster? Definately interested in some Crypts if you have any left?
id like one =D <3 im interested in it ;p
what conditions does the riccia need? like high light? ferts?

and id like a pic before i buy =D

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