Plants (nottingham)


Fish Herder
Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
Nottingham UK
Plants: Hornwort, crypts and some riccia
Quantity for sale:
Some !
Delivery or Collection:
Sales price:
£3 a bunch, delivered... £1 collected
Postage & Packaging:
As above
Location: Nottingham UK

Payment as GIFT to paypal, or however you like ! :rolleyes:
do you have any valis, cryptocoryne willisii or beckettii petchii, rotala sp green, pogosteemon helferi?

i cant quite see if you have any in the above pic

would you accept cash
Only what's offered or pictured, sorry - no idea on species !
Quite a few had these last time, perhaps some out there can help ?
No not the bin! I would like some but don't know which plants are which!!! If you could point me in the right direction!!!!
Plants: Hornwort, crypts and some riccia
Quantity for sale:
Some !
Delivery or Collection:
Sales price:
£3 a bunch, delivered... £1 collected
Postage & Packaging:
As above
Location: Nottingham UK

Payment as GIFT to paypal, or however you like ! :rolleyes:

Ok just had a look on internet, how much would you do a few bunches of riccia and crypts for (not sure how much you have?)
Could be tempted by some of these mate..... add some variety to my tanks, other than Java Fern and Riccia ;)

Have you got much left?
Ill take some off you :good:

How much for a handfull of plants inc delivery ???

Price is in original post ! And will be generous bunches - none of the "single" plant guff you get from the LFS !!!!
Riccia will be an approximate golf ball size WHEN IN WATER... I squeeze as much as possible to reduce weight and volume when packing.
Price is in original post ! And will be generous bunches - none of the "single" plant guff you get from the LFS !!!!
Riccia will be an approximate golf ball size WHEN IN WATER... I squeeze as much as possible to reduce weight and volume when packing.

How many bunches do you have left?
Price is in original post ! And will be generous bunches - none of the "single" plant guff you get from the LFS !!!!
Riccia will be an approximate golf ball size WHEN IN WATER... I squeeze as much as possible to reduce weight and volume when packing.

How many bunches do you have left?

Id guess half a dozen of each... (maybe a couple of HW)
do you have any valis, cryptocoryne willisii or beckettii petchii, rotala sp green, pogosteemon helferi?

i cant quite see if you have any in the above pic

would you accept cash

i have just sold loads of PH, and im selling crypts atm, you should be faster :hyper:
PM me your paypal i will send 3 pounds asap along with my address, ill also PM once sent along with my address.


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