I have been trying live plants for a few months, and have some plants that are surviving but not looking as nice as they did in the store.
I have a 90L tank, pH 8.0 no ammonia/nitrites and nitrates < 20ppm doing weekly 50%-70% water changes.
I have a crypt that displays brownish leaves although it is still growing slowly. I have two amazon swords, the inner leaves of the second one look a bit pale although they too are growing. Java fern that looks OK sending out plenty of roots. And I have a new crypt where the new growth is coming out brown, the old leaves are still a light green colour. This is following the pattern the previous crypt displayed where the old growth was OK and the new growth isn't very good.
Lighting is standard AR620 tubes - 2 x PL18W Triphoshor / Tropical Mix 7.1K / 14K bulbs.
I have tried fertilising with osmocote buried in the sand substrate but I think all it did was spike my nitrates, seems to be slowing down now so I will relax my water change schedule.
I'm thinking there just isn't enough useful light coming from these PL18W tubes? Is brown growth symptomatic of insufficient lighting?
I also have some new stem plants with broad green leaves having purple undersides.. these are dropping leaves like crazy so they're about to get thrown in the bin as the leaves clog my filter intake.
I have a 90L tank, pH 8.0 no ammonia/nitrites and nitrates < 20ppm doing weekly 50%-70% water changes.
I have a crypt that displays brownish leaves although it is still growing slowly. I have two amazon swords, the inner leaves of the second one look a bit pale although they too are growing. Java fern that looks OK sending out plenty of roots. And I have a new crypt where the new growth is coming out brown, the old leaves are still a light green colour. This is following the pattern the previous crypt displayed where the old growth was OK and the new growth isn't very good.
Lighting is standard AR620 tubes - 2 x PL18W Triphoshor / Tropical Mix 7.1K / 14K bulbs.
I have tried fertilising with osmocote buried in the sand substrate but I think all it did was spike my nitrates, seems to be slowing down now so I will relax my water change schedule.
I'm thinking there just isn't enough useful light coming from these PL18W tubes? Is brown growth symptomatic of insufficient lighting?
I also have some new stem plants with broad green leaves having purple undersides.. these are dropping leaves like crazy so they're about to get thrown in the bin as the leaves clog my filter intake.