Plants, Live, Frozen Foods And Plecos


Fish Gatherer
Dec 25, 2006
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Okay i'm relying on all my pleco lovers and caretakers out there for some info. If any can help it would be greatly appreciated!! :good:

What types of plants do plecos like to eat? I'm curious as I'm looking for some fun food plants for mine to snack on.
Also what types of frozen foods or live foods are best?

P.S. I have a common pleco (if that changes some answers at all) and I have had him for 4 years so I know lots, but i'm looking for some different things that I possibly haven't thought of or tried yet.
Depends on the plec species. There are literally 100's of them ranging from full herbivorous to full carnivorus/insectivorous. Common plecs would do well on vegetables like cucumber, squash, peas, greenbeans, etc. Raw or lightly blanched, depending on who you ask. I think they'll eat bloodworms and other insect larvae as well if fed to them.
Thanks for your response :thanks: !

Anyone else have any thoughts? or live plants they know of that their pleco has eaten that they didn't want them to?

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