Fish Fanatic
I've been running my tropical tank for the last two and a half month and now that my livestock and water quality is stable its time to get back to planting it right. Here is my set up:
- 150 litres (40G), 2x35W Juwel lighting for 8 hours a day, external Eheim 2224 filter, No CO2/ferts, gravel substrate
- Hard water, temperature: 25C, pH: 7.5, Nitrates: ~40, Phosphates: < 0.25 (using Rowa Phos), weekly water changes (~30-40%)
- Livestock: 6 Platies (plus dozen fry), 3 Guppies, 2 Perl Gouramis, 4 Otos, 18 Amano shrimp
- Plants:
-- Tropical Hornwort
-- Green Cabomba
-- Ozelot Sword
-- Pilea Cadierei (I know I know...)
-- Red Foxtail (Red Myriophyllum)
-- Something from Hygrophila family (thick stems, lots of pointy leaves)
Initially I had my lighting for 12h/day and brown algae was really blooming, but Cabomba and Hornwort really taken off and helped cycling the tank (since then I have to trim them almost every couple of weeks). Then I reduced that to 6 hours, got rid of algae and increased to 8 hours (running like that for the last month or so). Now in general I can see that plants I have currently are not doing particularly well (I had more but some I took away as they got eaten by pest snails I had, which thankfully I got rid as well by now).
I'm planning to get rid off Cabomba and Hornwort as they produce too much debris (Platy fry really likes pulling leaves away) and require regularly trimming (which I'm a bit tired of and my better half thinks it not normal to use net to clean the tank every couple of days), however even they are looking a bit brownish on top and do not grow as fast as they used to. May be it has to do with fish nipping it.
Ozelot sword is doing well, so is Hygrophila (which is by far the biggest plat I have in the tank now). The only problem with Hygro is that something eating it. I thought it was snails, but I haven't had any for the last 2-3 weeks and something still eating it - certain leaves are eaten starting with inside holes, not from the sides. May be its my Amano shrimp?
I know Pilea Cadierei is not an aquarium plant (missus liked it in the shop and we didn't do research), but so far its doing well and if it dies then I'll just get rid of it.
Red Foxtail not doing particularly well. I placed it a bit wrong (between Cabomba and Hygro) and seeing that its a high light plant I don't think it got enough with 8 hours of light and shades from the other plants (Cabomba is moved to another place now though). Should I be trying to keep it or its not worth it?
In the past few days I also noticed some sort of algae coming back on the gravel and larger pebbles - not sure its diatoms again, it looks more black that it used to. Not having anything on the plants themselves. Nothing is on the glass as well (apart from green round spots at the gravel level) - probably because otos are cleaning it pretty good.
So what sort of light level (strength/duration) I should be aiming for? Is 8 hours enough and what plants would be suitable for that? I was thinking about getting Java Fern and Sagittaria Subulata instead of fast growing stems to minimize maintenance. Any other suggestions? I definitely won't go CO2 route, but could do ferts if needed. Thanks!
P.S. Any other comments about my set up are welcomed as well.
- 150 litres (40G), 2x35W Juwel lighting for 8 hours a day, external Eheim 2224 filter, No CO2/ferts, gravel substrate
- Hard water, temperature: 25C, pH: 7.5, Nitrates: ~40, Phosphates: < 0.25 (using Rowa Phos), weekly water changes (~30-40%)
- Livestock: 6 Platies (plus dozen fry), 3 Guppies, 2 Perl Gouramis, 4 Otos, 18 Amano shrimp
- Plants:
-- Tropical Hornwort
-- Green Cabomba
-- Ozelot Sword
-- Pilea Cadierei (I know I know...)
-- Red Foxtail (Red Myriophyllum)
-- Something from Hygrophila family (thick stems, lots of pointy leaves)
Initially I had my lighting for 12h/day and brown algae was really blooming, but Cabomba and Hornwort really taken off and helped cycling the tank (since then I have to trim them almost every couple of weeks). Then I reduced that to 6 hours, got rid of algae and increased to 8 hours (running like that for the last month or so). Now in general I can see that plants I have currently are not doing particularly well (I had more but some I took away as they got eaten by pest snails I had, which thankfully I got rid as well by now).
I'm planning to get rid off Cabomba and Hornwort as they produce too much debris (Platy fry really likes pulling leaves away) and require regularly trimming (which I'm a bit tired of and my better half thinks it not normal to use net to clean the tank every couple of days), however even they are looking a bit brownish on top and do not grow as fast as they used to. May be it has to do with fish nipping it.
Ozelot sword is doing well, so is Hygrophila (which is by far the biggest plat I have in the tank now). The only problem with Hygro is that something eating it. I thought it was snails, but I haven't had any for the last 2-3 weeks and something still eating it - certain leaves are eaten starting with inside holes, not from the sides. May be its my Amano shrimp?
I know Pilea Cadierei is not an aquarium plant (missus liked it in the shop and we didn't do research), but so far its doing well and if it dies then I'll just get rid of it.
Red Foxtail not doing particularly well. I placed it a bit wrong (between Cabomba and Hygro) and seeing that its a high light plant I don't think it got enough with 8 hours of light and shades from the other plants (Cabomba is moved to another place now though). Should I be trying to keep it or its not worth it?
In the past few days I also noticed some sort of algae coming back on the gravel and larger pebbles - not sure its diatoms again, it looks more black that it used to. Not having anything on the plants themselves. Nothing is on the glass as well (apart from green round spots at the gravel level) - probably because otos are cleaning it pretty good.
So what sort of light level (strength/duration) I should be aiming for? Is 8 hours enough and what plants would be suitable for that? I was thinking about getting Java Fern and Sagittaria Subulata instead of fast growing stems to minimize maintenance. Any other suggestions? I definitely won't go CO2 route, but could do ferts if needed. Thanks!
P.S. Any other comments about my set up are welcomed as well.