Plants - Help!


New Member
Jan 17, 2007
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Hi - new to this!

Bought small tank (28L) and a couple plants that are in black cylindrical holders. Stupid question but do I take them straight out of the holders and plant them in the gravel? If so then I dont reckon it is deep enough. Thanks
I'm not an expert, but there are plenty of those in the Planted Tanks forum.

It may depend on the type of plants you are talking about.....

plants normally come in little pots or with lead weights around the stems, either way they should be removed and the plants put straight into the gravel. if you have trouble getting them to stay planted just leave them floating in your tank for a few weeks until they get roots on them, once they do it's much easier to plant the and get them to stay there :good:
you don't need a deep substrate at the front of the tank, about 1" being enough because you wont have plants here with big roots that will block your tanks view. so people tend to have a sloping bed from front to back the middle being about 2.5" deep for your slightly bigger plants up yo 3.5-4" deep at the back for bigger plants with lots of roots
I was under the impression these weights were meant to be kept on. Oops.

Looks like I have some work to do . . .
Have a look at this guide

2 pages and a lot of reading but quite good advice.

Basically when you get potted plants remove everything around the roots.

Chop of the bottom of the stem (only on stem plants) just below where some leaves are coming out.

Trim off the leaves on the bottom inch or so of the stem, and then put in the substrate either by tweezers or by hand.

Cutting off the bottom leaves and the bottom of the stem (which has probably been damaged by the weight or even started rottin if they've been in the pot too long) will promote new growth and the roots will come quicker and probably stronger.
if you seen newly bought pants dying - normal - they are just shedding theirleaves from the water they were used to and will regrow nre growth..........i thought i would mention it as i threw all mine away first thinking they were dying but oh nooo.............!!!!

also check that they ACTUALLY are aquatic plants as these will "flop" out of water as they use the water for support!!


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