Plants for beginners


New Member
Jun 14, 2005
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Now I've got my tank setup I think it's time I added some greenery to it as I've read my gourami would like 'em. What plants would be recommended? and do I need to keep them under any special light conditions or feed them fertalizer. Alternatively, could I just get plastic plants and not worry about them??
Try these-java fern,crypts,anubis,java moss,amazon swords,

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Java fern is really easy to look after .. i have tried several other type of plants before and it seems the least hassle .. plus your fish will love playing in it and if you plan on rearing fry it gives them places to hide
Java Moss, Anacharis, Cryptocoryne Wendtii, various kinds of Anubias, Aponogeten Bulbs... these are all really easy beginner plants and don't need any special attention to thrive. If you can get compact flourescent lights and make sure that there isn't too much aeration in the tank, they will thrive. :thumbs:

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