Plants Dying :(


THE Triop Man XD
May 31, 2009
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hye guys hoping someone can help me here...i seem to be having problems with my plants dying matter what i do they seem to be going brown slowly and slowly dying........any help will be great!
hye guys hoping someone can help me here...i seem to be having problems with my plants dying matter what i do they seem to be going brown slowly and slowly dying........any help will be great!

i could suggest getting rid of the tank and getting a hobby that you are interesting in learning about and researching for yourself!
but i wont!!!!

so.............. next option
you could help others to help you by posting the relevant specs, ie:- co2, lighting, ferts and what plants they actually are!
i could suggest getting rid of the tank and getting a hobby that you are interesting in learning about and researching for yourself!
but i wont!!!!

There was no need for that... This is where people come for help and advice, not to be told to use google/do their own research.
i could suggest getting rid of the tank and getting a hobby that you are interesting in learning about and researching for yourself!
but i wont!!!!

There was no need for that... This is where people come for help and advice, not to be told to use google/do their own research.

sorry! :0D

first check you have water in the tank??!?

how far back should this advice start??????

if the OP doesn't include absolutly ANY remotely helpfull info...........................................
i could suggest getting rid of the tank and getting a hobby that you are interesting in learning about and researching for yourself!
but i wont!!!!

There was no need for that... This is where people come for help and advice, not to be told to use google/do their own research.

No, I agree that that was a bit harsh, but I know bubba and I'll say hi. I know your tank from UKAPS. It is very nice, welcome to TFF.

Now, could he have phrased it better, yes. But many, including myself are frustrated with the lack of independant research that is going on in our hobby. You should do your own research first. It is dangerous to rely exclusively on the suggestions of others. I get personally tired of plant ids. I know what I'm buying before I even buy it and chances are I will already know its growing habits as well. I don't put anything in my tanks that doesn't have a fair shot at doing well.

If the original poster has not been scared off, we need more tank information that what you've posted to give you the help that you need.

Lighting - type and duration
Type of plant that your purchased
Size of tank

In addition, I'd like to point you towards our planted pinned topics. Maybe by reading those, you can learn a few things about why your plants may being and it will help you sort out the terminology we use. - A basic guide - PARC (Planted Aquarium Resource Center) - A guide to non-aquatic plants, chances are you might have one of those in your tank.

thanks for the replys......not that i relized i needed to add loads of info, ive only recently got into fish so havent had a chance to read through everything, im going through a fishless cycle at the moment so there is no fish in the tank, i try to put the lights on for 8 hours a day, i dont use any ferts as i didnt think the plants i had need them...erm i couldnt tell the names of the plants i have one i got from saltynay begins with Elond i just cannot remember how its spelt. i could provide pictures of the plants i have? im unsure what type of lighting i have but it the lid does come from a Aqua One AR-620T......what would i be looking for on the lights?? sorry i a real newb to intent on having a good read of the basics to lighting and such as id like to grow some nice plants in the tank, thanks for the links lljdma06
thanks for the replys......not that i relized i needed to add loads of info, ive only recently got into fish so havent had a chance to read through everything, im going through a fishless cycle at the moment so there is no fish in the tank, i try to put the lights on for 8 hours a day, i dont use any ferts as i didnt think the plants i had need them...erm i couldnt tell the names of the plants i have one i got from saltynay begins with Elond i just cannot remember how its spelt. i could provide pictures of the plants i have? im unsure what type of lighting i have but it the lid does come from a Aqua One AR-620T......what would i be looking for on the lights?? sorry i a real newb to intent on having a good read of the basics to lighting and such as id like to grow some nice plants in the tank, thanks for the links lljdma06

i'm sorry for the facetious reply earlier! :0/

obviously the types of plants have a massive bearing on the advice given, so pics may help!
you could have a browse thro here to maybe identify your plants and their requirements, some will NEED co2, high lighting and ferts to thrive.
others will be fine in non co2 lower light set ups.

ferts are pretty much needed no matter what, altho amounts and types will vary from tank to tank!

not sure about those types of tube, there should be a wattage rating on them somewhere.

main advice is read, read, read! it does take a while to sink in and understand many of the aspects involved.
imo, one of the best forums to find out good info, both beginner and advanced would be the forum mentioned above by lljdma06
ok, dont worry bout it :rolleyes: anyway i couldnt find my plants on there..... but i do have pictures of them,



now in this last photo there is 2 plants,


erm ive already had a quick read im intent on reading it all throughly tonight when i have some me time lol, i havent looked at the tubes yet (lights) but i know i have 2 which are each twins, they seem pretty bright, i will have alook when i switch them off later and they have cooled down
ok, cant really i.d the plants as i'm now on my phone! It passes the time at work! :-0

Personally, i'd lower the light untill the tank has cycled, duration and perhaps also intensity!

Seems counter productive, but the light drives the growth and therefore nutrient uptake! So if you are lackin in anything it'll be worse at higher light, as well as increasing algae in the early stages.

It's also worth bearing in mind that the plants may need to adjust to different conditions, as you may know some will be grown out of water (immersed) to begin with and need to change to submersed growth.
Or it could be that the plants you have, came from a higher co2 enviroment and need to adjust to the lower levels.

It's recommended to have plenty of fast growin stems to see you through the initial stages, obviously, overall nutrient uptake will then increase so fertilisation will then be more critical.
got it, ive stoped the lighting to around 5 hours a day now, they dont seem to be dying as quick now, this is after about aweek or so of pulling it all out and cutting the dead ones away. the lights i have are 2x 18watt double tube things, they seem really bright to me lol is it ok to add any ferts when im cycling?? ive been thinking about a air stone, would this help at all, or would this just be a waste of time...ive had a read of the back to basics and im going to have to read it again as ive forgotten most of it :look: thanks for the help so far though
Right looks like your lighting is about 2.4 wpg, ideally you need to have co2 and dose ferts as at that light level, you plants need nutrients that they arent getting as theyre growing faster. You should either get co2 and dose ferts or halve your lighting.

My lighting is 2wpg and i have pressurized co2 and i dose ferts daily.

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