Plants Causing Algae!

#1 Fish Fan

Fish Crazy
Dec 3, 2012
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Hi guys!

I have 2 plants in my tank, both live and living healthily! The glass of my tank is green, can or do the plants cause this? I have a sponge to clean the glass with, (just a normal one with a handle) but all of the algae isnt coming off the glass. I have tried 2 different sponges, to be left with the same result!

Does anyone know how I can get ALL the algae off my glass???

Do the plants cause it???

#1 Fish Fan
what light are you using, that might be the cause. plants are supposed to reduce algae not cause more. get a bushy grass plant (don't know exact name), it takes all the light in and reduces algae. also get a magnetic algae scrubber, i find them much better that the spunges for two reasons:

1. you don't need to put your hand in the aquarium to clean the algae.
2. it takes most of the algae off because it is harder than most spunges.
What are the plants?
What size is the tank?
What kind of lighting are you using?
Do you dose Co2 or other ferts?
What kinds of sponges are you using?

I generally find sponges handier than magnetic cleaners due to the fact that you know exactly how much pressure you are using, not to mention magnetism is lost over time, reducing effectiveness.
I prefer the hand held ones over the magnet ones and you can use more force to get the algae off. Also I doubt the plants are causing the algae, as they use the same nutrients as the algae and will probably be suppressing its growth.
Ok, the plants I have at the minute are fine ones with leaves. I have got bushy plants before and they fell apart and were not doing well at all. The plants I have now are the best I have had so far!

The light is built-in with the tank, Betta Lifespace. If you look it up on the web I am using the white light.

I dont need to put my hand in the tank anyway because my sponge has a long plastic handle! I will have a think about getting a magnetic cleaner, may save some time. My daughter will probably enjoy doing it!

Just to point out you spelt sponge wrong! It is spelt how I have just written it.

The plants are fine ones with leaves but I am not sure of the names! I will try and upload a pic later for you. I think the tank is a 36l. I am not adding anything into the tank except the stress coat and stress zyme once a week, like it says on the bottle! I think its called a scour sponge? It is one of those scratchy ones!
How often do you water change & what's your stock? Its green dust algae, very stubborn and a good scrub with the green side of a washing up sponge will normally do it. Its caused by low nutrients and low CO2 but if its a new set up then its caused by ammonia being present. If its been set up a while I'd guess that the plants have used up their nutrients and that's what's causing it.
The plants are about a month old and the tank has been set up since July. I change the water once every two weeks as the shop where I bought the tank from told me to.

2 guppies, 2 platies, 1 mollie, 1 siamese fighter.

The scrubber is a thicker version of the green side of a washing up sponge. Would YOU think the magnetic one gives it a better clean? Of its new off course!
I'd use a new green sponge and plenty of elbow grease, lots of planted tanks get this behind huge plant masses and when its re planted/ re scaped its a job to get off. If doing water change once every 2 weeks I'd up it to once every week to get more CO2 into the water,just make sure you do it after lights out, also do you have an air pump running?
Yes, I think so! Won't the elbow grease harm my fish? I don't want my last guppy to die! :(
by the way, if you are wondering, algae doesn't harm the fish... fish eat algae. get an algae eater!
I dont really have room for one! Does anyone know any COMMON ones that grow up to 1 inch?
I do not believe Oto's will eat off the glass and it is generally a bad idea to get a fish just because you think it may solve an issue in the tank.

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